Oct 10, 2006 11:17
Where are my priorities in life. I have opportunities to get involved with so many people and make meaningful connections and friendships but I choose to sit in my room and play games. I have the opportunity to start a youth ministry in this area at the tips of my fingertips and I can't get more excited about it than about my new playstation 2. I have the resources and the time to engage in any number of sports/activities/clubs/ANYTHING! And yet I still sit in my lime green desk chair agonizing over whether or not to upgrade my video card... so I can play more games... that I probably will acquire illegally.
My life has gone nowhere in particular lately that I can be proud of. I am so caught up in the selfishness of my humanity. I avoid the topic of Christianity in my dorm as if I have to practice in some veil of secrecy, while people in other parts of the world are forced to practice in real secrecy for fear of their lives. I have grown complacent and lazy. Complacency is a word that our church throws around so easily these days. When someone feels a disconnect from God they are "complacent" and need purpose. The Purpose Driven Life was appealing because it diagnosed the epidemic of complacency and we all know that our country loves a quick fix. A pill, a book. Just slap it on and watch the purpose grow!
But I propose that a purpose is not what is missing. Purpose will come, when a person is living their life for God. By having a hunger for intimacy and pursuing it. And once intimate with God the purpose will come. Because when you are walking with God, chances are that what you want to do in life, is what God wants you to do in life. People (myself included) feel lost because we don't plug into God. We have lost the joy of intimacy with Him. When free times comes up we might force ourselves to do a devotional and when our half hour of "God time" is up we mark it a success and go look at porn on the computer. I say that those times are failures because they are not spurred by a true desire to know God, they come from a desire to fulfill their obligation to know God. Maybe this is just me. But I don't think so. Lord give me the strength to change my heart and my actions.
From atop his soapbox [Eric]