Oct 13, 2005 16:34
ok today was a bunch of bullshit drama .ok for one ashleigh you had no right to cuse me out in that note . cause if i had a problem with megan believe me she would know it and actually right now im really upset with her . because just to do it on purpose she was hanging all over melly afterschool and she was doing it cause i was right there behind and i could see it im not stupid . thats bullshit . its all bullshit . you said you told me and i didnt fucking listen why the hell am i gonna listen to you? you tried to screw me over ..... im not gonna get into details i was asked not to tell . so im not gonna . i really like melinda nad you know what because she cheated and all that shit doesnt mean anything . cause i can trust her and yea you and megan and a whole bunch of people think i shouldnt well guess what i do i trust her alot and i like her alot and i really dont want you people screwing this up for me . i finally get a chance with meilnda and everyone is gonna screw me over . chelsie i know you love her but do you have to rub that into my face? i love you all and i want you all to know this . but what the hell is ya'lls problem with amber everyone seems to take shit out on her . shes my best friend and i will not ever change that. i love you melinda and megan told me not to say it but im saying it cause i do and have for a while and i kept trying to tell you i liked you and you know that right?well i dont knoe what everyone wants me to do but im sick of all this . sean is gonna leave and its my fault i dont want him to leave cause i love him too . i am a bitch . god i am so depressed . i just i dont wanna be in this world no more . someone take me away its not funny . logan was the only one who tried to even attempt to cheer me up and he did . so i at least know i have two best friends logan my guy best friend and amber my chick best friend. i wanna make eveything go away . i want someone to tlak to but no . everyone has big mouths at this school.i cant talk to noone without everyone else knowing in the next few minutes.it really sux.well im gonna go