Title: Shell Shocked
Author: Davnee
Rating: MA
Pairing: Laura/Sam
Summary: It's a lifetime until tomorrow. Spoilers through Exodus.
Prompts: Again; Still alive
A/N: So the
bsg_pornbattle gave me the perfect excuse to write a sequel to War Crimes, where I first paired up Laura and Sam. I cover a lot of the same territory in this fic but, eh, I was just looking for a
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First, thank you soooooo much for writing this fic. I absolutely fell in love with this pairing with your last fic and to see a company piece to it... well I had to keep from squealing because I was at my parents' earlier.
Now to the parts that absolutely blew me away...
The light in the tent was dim and cold, washed out like this planet she hoped to never see again after tomorrow. Her skin itched with excitement, a counterpoint to the bruises that had already begun to ache. Adrenaline. She’d cheated death again. Sooner or later she’d run out of lives, but she hoped it would not be until her people were safely delivered from this place. She would have never thought the harsh vacuum of space could be a comfort, but she longed to be back among the stars. Hard ground beneath your feet means nothing if it is hollow.
Everything about your opening paragraph was perfection imo. The series of words you chose was just... guh... Your ability to come up with these amazing sentences, so easy to read, yet so complete in description and meaning is one of the many reasons you're one of my fav writers ever. (I tend to bootlick a lot, sorry.)
(I have more to say and since I'm afraid I'm gonna run out of comment space, I'll comment separately for the rest)
The imagerie here was not only vivid but insanely hot. Writing sex scenes that don't read like instruction manuals is not an easy thing to do. But you write smut perfectly and you make it seem effortless. Seriously, I'm not bull-shitting you.
Now to the story itself, Laura/Sam *sigh* who would have thought that this pairing could work and work well. You've turned me into a real fan of this pairing.
And just the thought of those two frakking against a table as they were... *fans self* Holy crap that's some hot stuff. Gonna need a cold shower here.
Finally, you even managed to pull at my heartstrings with this one. This little bit at the end...
“Any time, Laura,” he told her.
But they both knew that was a lie. This was the last time, because tomorrow everything would change. Live or die, they were moving on. New wars to fight, and old comrades to fight them with.
It actually kinda broke my heart in a way because it signified the end of Laura and Sam. *whimpers* Yeah, you made me like this pairing so much that the thought of this being it for them made me go *sniffle* "no...".
While you gave those two some closure with this fic, I can't help but hope that one day you'll perhaps write this pairing again. You're a pro.
So anyway, sorry for the comments that never end. I was just in awe here.
What if I dare you to? There must be some way to get them to reunite briefly at some point. ;-)
So I'll just wait here, fingers and toes crossed. I've also sent a shiny new thinking cap for you and chocolate for your muse. Anything to help really. ;-)
Definitely helps, thanks! ;)
Do you hear me complaining? ;) But seriously, you are too sweet. Thank you.
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