You and I in a little toy shop....

Jun 07, 2006 10:02

So, this weekend. I don't care. It was fun.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm beyond busy right now. I submitted all of the assignments from the China trip (thank you 18 hour plane trip) and took an exam when I got back. I have to write a research paper for the China trip all while taking the other summer classes. I figured I'd have some down time after the last exam to breathe and start researching the paper that's due next week (we're all about deadlines in the business school).

Not so much, turns out, I have assignments due today, Friday and Monday. Plus the exam for the other class, plus its assignments.

Taking 3 spring classes and going to China and working full-time plus (I'm averaging 50 hours a week). Est no bueno.

I haven't had time to get to the gym or even run since I've been back. I go to bed at 1 or 2 and get up at 5:30.

I need someone to hang out with.


The business helps the time go by, but it brings the other issues out, oh they're fun.

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