Feb 17, 2005 20:17
i havn't updated in a while so i guess i will...umm..first is pretty gay 'cause i don't like drawing and painting and i have art II without having art I for some reason so i suck. at least vanida and nubia are there to talk to so that's pretty sweet. second is pretty boring 'cause i don't have anyone to talk to and mr rob just talks most of the time..third is pretty cool 'cause there are people to talk to and Joe's in there. second lunch sucks this semester..4th period is sweet 'cause sarah sits right next to me and there are lots of people to talk to.
track is getting really annoying because i have no free time in the afternoon to do anything but i guess it's good to be in shape..we did the high jump some and that was fun 'cause it's jumping and stuff but Low usually makes us run. i hope i can do something fun this weekend but i think i have to start that damn social studies project 'cause the due date got moved 10 days sooner.
there really does need to be more girls like we were talking about last sat...:-/
well i tried to write a lot 'cause i don't update enough i guess.. that was all pretty boring though..maybe that will last me a few more weeks without updating.. aight later