Have you got a brook in your little heart?

Aug 11, 2009 14:51

I have been thinking more seriously about getting a tattoo, but the more I think about it...the more Im like Noooope. But I have promised myself that once I see some success, that is when I can afford to do something that crazy. So before I die, I will probably do it. I have gone back and forth as to what I want as well. When I was really homesick last year I thought about getting a very small Texas on my wrist, and I actually still like that idea a lot but at the same time its so nerdy. I dont know, all in all I dont really know if I am a tattoo kind of girl. WE SHALL SEE.

I read through old LJ entries and seriously...how did I have friends? HOW? I also think I have gotten less funny as time has progressed and that grossed me out. Maybe its because now I am a mature womannn...or maybe not.

Dude, seriously I am ready to kill my roommates. I have watched Dexter, I know whats up and how to do it. One of my roommates has to be on some kind of drug. Like he HAS to be. NO ONE IS THAT SPACEY! NO ONE. He is crazy. And he doesnt like to sleep in his room because it is too hot. So he sleeps out on the couch and I like to be in the living room because its out of the way. And he keeps kicking me out of my space :( BITCH GO INTO YOUR ROOM! Then my other roommate insists on throwing away my food? Like who are you and why are you doing that? She has thrown away my blue berries, strawberries, eggs, lunch meat. You name it, she has thrown away. And she said that it has mold on it. I HAD JUST BOUGHT THE FRUIT. There is no way there was mold. So I have stopped buying fresh fruit. Im over it. Just one more week. I really really am disliking them though. Kaylyn is leaving for Colorado and Im kind of really sad about it. When she gets back I will be gone to RA training and we will no longer be roommates. Tis the end of a little era.

I keep trying to make this boy at school my project but he is not having any of it. He works at the library and I specifically go on days I know he is working. He wont even make eye contact with me or laugh at my jokes! I really just want to be friends with him because I saw him playing Harry Potter Wizard Challenge and he looks like a hybrid of Ben Gibbard and Seth Rogen (which I am all about). But I think this one might be a lost cause. I am bored though, so I will probably keep trying.

I will also not be going home for Thanksgiving. I have decided to instead stay for more Christmas break which will allow me to make a quick trip to Austin to hang with Natalie Groves and have more time to see all of you. Really it works for everyone.
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