Sep 06, 2005 15:31
I hate my life.
I know it's cliche, and it's probably most said out of blind anger, but... I'm not sure if there's something I've ever said that has more meaning than that.
It's a horrible thought, but sometimes, I wish I was in a third world country. That way, I wouldn't feel so guilty saying I've got it bad.
But, you know, suffering, anguish, pain... it's all subjective. I can sit here, and say that my life is a psychotic hurricane of deranged thoughts, silent screams, and cries for help, but it's all the same bullshit. Life, in general, sucks. There's no way to get ahead. Our job as a human race is to sit tight, ignorantly, and for those of you who aren't the brightest, oblivious, until death. That's it. You're born into a world of hate, anger, depression, and violence, you suffer, and then you die. Life's great, ain't it?
But, hell, it could be worse, right? It could happen over and over again. I mean, say I buy into karmic retribution, and as punishment for lashing out, religiously, I get sentenced to life as a gnat. Now, sure, the average lifespan of a gnat has to be about a day. You're all thinking, it's not so bad, right? But I'm sure that day is one day of pure hell.
So, you fufil your duties as a gnat, and you move up to... a worm. I mean, is it just me, or is punishment just useless? Hell, people on death row have a better life than me in some retrospects. I was watching a show, this afternoon, where inmates in jail get three square meals a day for a dollar each. A dollar! Do they have to worry about a dollar-thirty cents a litre for gas? No. Do they have to worry about room and board? No. Perhaps I should just go kill a family. That way I could eat food, work out, squat for free, and watch TV all day. I mean, how much different would it be for me how I am now? I can't get an education outside jail, so it wouldn't be any different inside.
That's right, sports fans. I'm officially a high school dropout! Huron won't let me back full-time, and I figure I'm already two years behind in my life. Why bother, right? The fruit of it is... I seriously can;t stand my home life, now. So, not only am I not attending school, but soon... very soon, I might also be without a home! In the words of Chris Farley, "Great! Grand! Wonderful!"
So you see, you can't win. Wait, I retract that statement. I cannot win.
So, this is the part of my "essay" where I repeat my thesis. I hate my life.