You know... I really ought to blog about it already >_<
Warning: huge post with lots of piccies >_<
The Tokyo Game Show 2009 (hereon in referred to as TGS) was pretty cool. They had massive floor space in the Makuhari Messe Convention Centre, quite literally on the outskirts of Tokyo (about an hour's train ride away from central Tokyo).
Once we got out tickets, we were greeted by this sight:
The Bandai Namco area was pretty cool, and had lots of demos. They also had a Gandam head and a Tekken 6 fight scene on display.
Konami did a fine job with bringing in some solid trailers for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, available on the PSP. Judging by the demos during an on-stage demo with Hideo Kojima, it looked pretty good :)
Ubisoft, Sega, Xbox 360, Playstation and Koei had pretty cool booths too, but the ones that I was most interested in were Capcom's and Level 5's.
Capcom had two games coming out which I'm quite keen on getting.
The first was Ghost Trick (ゴスート・トリック).
The line was short, and the demo was quite engaging, despite it being in Japanese. The gameplay, from what I could gather, involved going back a few minutes in time. Since you as the main character, is now dead, you have to move his spirit from item to item and thwarting the villain in the demo, from shooting dead a girl who knows you, while you somehow don't remember her.
As I said in an earlier post, what sealed the deal for me was that this game was made by the same person who did the Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判) series, so that's something to look forward to! Also, it didn't hurt that as thanks for playing the game, I scored a phone strap :D
The second game I'm keen on getting my hands on is Okamiden, or in its full Japanese title: 大神伝:小さき太陽, for the DS. The demo area looked brilliant - but the line often took up to 45 minutes to get through :( Undestandable really...
... since the game is soooo utterly adorable! Check out and these:
While Okamiden won't be made by Clover Studio, I'm really pleased since according to Kotaku (, it'll be produced by the same person who did Gyakuten Saiban! Yay! XD
Also I scored a really cute Okamiden fan! XD
My absolute favourite booth during TGS though, was Level 5's.
They presented trailers for Inazuma Eleven 2 (イナズマエレヴェン2), the new Professor Layton (レイトン教師と魔神の笛), and Another World (ニノ国), amongst others, out the front on pretty comfy seats. Once the presentation finished, they had 250 DS's behind the screens for TGS attendees to play one of the three demos :)
And, as a present, I got a clearfile folder advertising the upcoming Professor Layton movie, and a lucky bag... well, technically, a lucky envelope, containing either the Diamond or Platinum gift. Of course I had to get both. :)
The Diamond gift was a DVD containing trailers shown during Level 5's presentations.
The Platinum gift though, was a DS cartridge of their three demos - which was what attendees played after the presentation :D
As I've mentioned
here, I've just gotten through Professor Layton, and am looking forward to getting through the rest of the demos... in hopefully a month's time! ^__^;;
All in all, TGS 2009 was pretty fun... I really want to attend another TGS... but we'll see whether circumstances will allow it or not. :)
Finally, omake:
I can't wait for the Layton plushies to be out!
And if you head over to, there are more pictures from TGS 2009 :)