May 25, 2004 02:43
a lot of people are happy and that is great. i was happy. i don't know how i feel about it now, but maybe we will see in the next few. days? years? lifetimes?
my arm hurts again. i always have ailments. i am not sick right now. i am sure i will be next week. or maybe my arm will still hurt. or my leg. i still cough.
sunday i saw grace for like a second. but i left because of bullshit, but i don't think she thought so. i went to the stick and watched tee vee with chris and scott. chris is leaving. we went to tee gee eye fridays and i had a burger and an ultimate strawberry dacarie(sp?) i should have had twenty.
the mircophones tonight was sweet. well, mt eerie. and i liked thanksgiving. some people didn't. i did, so i didn't talk during the show. pita pit rules. i got another gyro, but i didn't get harrassed by big dudes who think they are anti power, but i am not power. the merc was fun, but i wanted to leave at the end. i slept in the car.
the preacher man says the end is coming. but i don't go by what he says. i had things to say when i was up there, but i forgot. they were good too. but i am never going up there anyway, so it doesn't matter, really. it doesn't matter when i say i am happy, because i week later i won't be. and i will say i won't be happy and i will stay that way. haha! it is silly, really. and so dumb! the same things over and over and over. haha, aren't you tired? are you reading and saying "what a fuck up! and i don't care! shut up your speak hole!"?
and you are happy. and so is she. and him too. and i am jealous, because i only get to be happy for a small period. just enough to have some hope when is was gone. and just long enough to miss it when it leaves. and there has been a lot and you think i am some man, but i am never happy with it.
haha, so dumb. what a fool.
i wouldn't be that way on stage. but i would feel that way.
the end.