my movie week

Jan 29, 2008 22:47

(thus far)

Golden Compass: conditional thumbs up. That is, I wasn't expecting much except for flash. It looked awesome, and was actually not as butchered as I'd thought it would be. The flow was bad, the story was far too big for the time and seemed to clunk awkwardly from one plot point to the next, but overall I enjoyed it. The bear fight was fucking awesome. Sorry to be such a trog about it, but it WAS.

Juno: thumbs up, but not far, far, far up. I really did like it, but I definitely thought the beginning was too cute and too clever, and the whole abortion office sequence was dumb and badly handled and didn't stand up at all to the rest of the movie. But aside from those quibbles I really liked it. I loved the parents, and I really loved how unironically sincere it became by the end. I got a little misty.

Next up, hopefully, is Atonement, and then perhaps There Will Be Blood.


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