i am at the PC office today; we have a meeting to plan a workshop for special ed. the teachers at my center, some of them anyway, are kinda mad because i pointed out to them how they haven't really been doing any teaching lately. that should, Hopefully, blow over soon.
last week i did habitat for humanity in the dead sea valley, and i learned to build walls from cinder blocks and cement. we worked for three days, and it was hot, but it was really fun. it was me and about 15 other volunteers, plus the People that showed us what to do. i got my picture in the paper! check it out; i put up some new pictures on my flickr page:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/swcochran/ i am also getting a kitty! at some point, from a volunteer who is leaving. so that is nice. and maybe also a tv, a ps2, and a bunch of other stuff that would make life less boring (which it has become, a bit.)