Jan 24, 2008 14:58
I went to a summer job fair on campus today, it was alot more inspiring than I anticipated. I know I talked about interning abroad this summer, but I'm really not ready to go bounding across the world on my own. I've been craving the comfort of family alot this year, which is distinctly new. I've even been getting along with my mom better. It's nice.
So, the job fair had alot of booths run by Toronto theme parks and day camps, which I'm not really interested in because I want to be home this summer. But there were also educational tour companies which cater to schools looking for guides. It'd only be May-June work, but it's good pay and something fun to do, plus I could try and get a job at one on the day camps in I-dot for July-August. I think I'd like working with the kids (they'd be about 12-14 years old) and talking about historic stuff. Best of all, the tours are to places in Ontario and Quebec and only 3-5 days long, so I could go home between tours.
There was also one booth that was absoluetely heaven-sent. It was run by a program that's like a summer camp for kids whose native language isn't English. I can't do it this year, because it's Toronto-based, but next year I'll have my TESOL certificate and I can be a teacher there. It'd the the perfect getting-started job for me, a concrete goal to work towards. I'm really excited that I discovered it.