Jan 16, 2010 03:35
james sat in the soft sand rolling up first his left then right pant leg. the wind carried salt into his mouth and over his skin. the feeling was sharp and sticky, he would eventually become uncomfortable, but for now yes: air, sand, and water.
later as james was unloading cardboard boxes for money he thought about the beach fondly. he was going to ride his bike there tomorrow as well. james' work shift was divided into early mornings and evenings. he had a good 6 hour break between which he could fill as he pleased. since the labour was manual james did not have to spend that time learning or worry about anything except not getting hurt. james didn't have health insurance.
that seemed strange to james. his whole work was based on his body's well-being. an office worker would usually get a nice package. we are content for our world to not really make optimal sense james thought. we aren't going to change anything, we don't really know how anymore, the whole system is functioning as it is and we should be grateful and make what allowed changes we have. we can change things drastically but only along certain prescribed channels.
james wanted to fall in love and have his lover lay with him at the beach.