j's philosophy

Oct 23, 2009 20:23

j didn't have beliefs. j didn't have opinions. j could think of no grand narratives shaping history. j had context. j had situations. j's philosophy was j's actions given situations. j developed j's philosophy constantly.

'u want to kno wat i think of sumthing ask me how i'd bet on it, not that it's about money.' j was caught up in being a rational actor since j studied probability theory. 'rational is one of those empty words that just means wat is, how culd sum1 not be rational? rn't we all livin by sum standard in our structure !nd that's all it means, u live by ur standard, u maximize to the best of ur knowledge what u deeply $nd at bottom want to, at least as much as u r a person, or a personality.' we don't have to b ppl j thot. we rn't always. we r other things 2. *nd we r many ppl.

'neway thats all garbage, i kno i don't kno til u put me there and do it, then i still don't kno but i kno better if i am graced w\ such a memory as at present i am.'
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