At First Sight

Aug 12, 2004 21:55

Title: At First Sight
Fandom: King Arthur movieverse
Pairing: Arthur/Lancelot
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Improv drabble; fall, dust, glimpse
x-posted to knightgasm
Disclaimer: Not mine which is a shame because they are oh so pretty.

Their commander is young, this Roman that leads them.  Lancelot gets only a glimpse of him as the Sarmatians are turned over.  Lancelot thinks he cannot be in charge, but the ones that ride with him show him a respect reserved for great leaders.  How has this soldier gained the respect of Lancelot's countrymen?  As they ride over the rise and fall of unfamiliar lands Lancelot longs for home, where young Roman soldiers do not fill his head with questions.

Arthur rides ahead and does not think of new charges with sharp dark eyes shining in a weary dust-covered face.

king arthur

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