
Jul 21, 2006 14:10

Im tired Im hot and if the phone rings am gonna go primal on whoever asks me to do something. Im cranky when I get less than 6 hours.

None of you useless bastards sent me a letter, Im hurt offended and err..narked.

Had an altogether pleasant weekend with Mattys family in Derby I was absolutely hammered on Saturday night and mildly inebriated Friday thats the first time Ive done a proper weekends worth of drinking in an age. Dread to think what kind of a show I made of myself but hey why dwell on it. Last night when I got back me and claire and jb managed to lock ourselves out of the flat. What ensued was an hour or so search for a ladder numerous attempts at scaling a drainpipe. It started getting dark and hopeless when we came across a ladder come ex fence. john managed to scramble up it on the the pharmacy roof and in through the window. The fresh air did us good like. Had tea watched a bit of waterworld and then off to bed to read the wasp factory and go to sleep.
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