Оригинал взят у
marinni в
Старинная мебель для библиотек и кабинетов.Часть 2.Библиотеки и кабинеты. Стулья, кресла, лесенки и трансформеры.
В старинной кабинетной и библиотечной мебели очень много многофункциональных трансформирующихся предметов.
Стулья превращаются в лестницы, ступеньки совмещают в себе комод или клозет.
Большие вместительные библиотеки с очень высокими потолками и антресолями были далеко не у всех.
Библиотеки часто совмещались с кабинетом хозяина, служили ему местом для любимых занятий и хобби.
Неудивительно, что мебель для библиотек делали с особым вниманием к комфорту и удобству, с любовью и выдумкой.
------------Reading Chair -Library Chair-----------
Библиотеки часто служили курительными комнатами,или были совмещены с кабинетом, поэтому там предпочитали ставить кожаную мебель:
19th C. Large Oak Leathered Library Chair
Unique Elaborately Carved Victorian Baroque Revival Library Chair. Attributed to RJ Horner, Circa 1880.
--------------"Крылатые" кресла------------
------------antique wingback leather chair--------
antique wingback chair with Ottoman
Также обивка могла быть из прочной "гобеленовой" ткани, были даже вручную вышитые кресла.
-------Кресла с хитростями и приспособлениями------
------------Виндзорские стулья---------
writing arm windsor chair, ca. 1810
Bow back Windsor writing arm chair with drawer
A Rare American Federal Walnut Writing Chair, early 19th c
-----------------С ящиками----------
A mid 18th Century oak elbow chair, the shaped toprail with scroll terminals above a pierced and shaped vase splat
Paint-decorated Windsor Writing-arm Chair, possibly Maine, c. 1830,
-----------Кресла с пюпитрами------------
American Mahogany Adjustable Reading Chair
early 19th c.
The adjustable bookstand seen on this chair has American antecedents, most notably at the Monticello joinery, where a Windsor chair was altered with a swivel seat and a writing paddle, and a four face adjustable bookstand was produced to Thomas Jefferson’s specifications.
Carved mahogany British Colonial-style library chair with bronze swing arm book rest and drink holder
A late Victorian oak framed reclining easy chair of Arts and Crafts design, upholstered in green leather cloth and with adjustable reading stand to one arm
------------C полочками для ног----------
A Rare Blackwood Reclining Easy Chair, 1835
The Eyles Easy Recliner Oak Chair Signed NR
A George IV Mahogany 'Robert Dawes' 'Patent' Improved Reclining Easy Chair, with Spoon Back and Turned Legs and Upholstered in Green Button Back Dralon. Cira 1830
English Victorian tufted black leather adjustable reclining easy chair with footrest
A Dawes Patent Reclining Easy Chair, with a mahogany frame upholstered in wine-red leather
An exceptional late 19th C Morris chair, solid mahogany, full reeded front columns, leaf carved feet and capitol
-----------Лесенки-library stairs--------
Oak Antique 1880 Library Steps or Stairs
A set of antique library stairs, with casters for moving them around the library and accessing high shelves
------------Обычные полки-ступеньки------------
------------------library steps---------------
library step
Bench-cum-library-steps, at Coughton Court, Warwickshire
A George III design Mahogany four step metamorphic library coffee table, with decorative gilt incised leather top and leather steps opening to form library steps on square brass castors
Bench containing a set of library steps, supplied by Thomas Chippendale in 1767-8 for the Library at Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire
------------------library steps---------------
-----------------С ящиками-----------
A set off Antique mahogany library steps circa 1830
Georgian Sheraton period mahogany library/bed steps/ table with most unusual bow fronted shape, maroon blind-tooled leather inset treads, lift-up hinged top for storage. Great used as a lamp table and storage next to a bed.
English Circa 1810
Early Victorian mahogany library step commode, the three treads inset with green leather raised on turned feet.
Ящик выдвигался и получалось сиденье.
--------------Стул-ступеньки Франклина--------
Стул Франклина, он сам его придумал.
Library chair with folding steps, 1760-1780
http://www.benfranklin300.org/db/admin/_object_images/obj_51_253_lrg.jpgFranklin was well known for inventing and adapting things to meet unmet needs. He altered the design of a conventional open armchair or lolling chair by fitting it with a set of short steps and using it as a library ladder.
It came to be called the President's Chair when Franklin chose to sit in it while he presided over meetings of the American Philosophical Society that were held in his library at home.
----------METAMORPHIC Library Chair--------
Victorian Library Step Chair
Mahogany Library Steps & Chair
--------------Под готику--------------
Victorian oak Gothic revival metamorphic library chair / steps with architectural back
A Victorian Gothic mahogany metamorphic chair cum library steps stylised shield back and on spiral turned fore legs
Regency Mahogany METAMORPHIC Library Chair 1800
Regency Mahogany Library Chair
Regency Library Steps
Regency Library Steps
Queen Anne Library Steps
Regency-period 'Patent Metamorphic Library Chair' by Morgan and Saunders (inv. no. 871315) in the Library at Saltram, Devon. ©NTPL/John Hammond
The armchair 'metamorphed' into a set of steps
http://nttreasurehunt.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/stepping-up/ ----------------Клозеты----------
В библиотеке можно провести много времени, от книги иногда невозможно оторваться.
Ходить куда-то- далеко, поэтому клозет делали тут же, в библиотеке.
Горшок маскировали и прятали в стулья, комоды и даже ступеньки:
Georgian Library Steps
Regency mahogany library steps fitted with a commode drawer, leather inset steps with flame mahogany risers raised on turned legs.
circa. 1820
Circa 1830, William IV mahogany 3 step commode library steps, the steps with leather inserts, top step has storage and the second slides to reveal the commode, 3rd step is fixed, and is standing on 4 turned legs.
Victorian Mahogany Library Step/Commode, third quarter 19th century, the lift top and lower draw step bearing a gilt-tooled lack leather inset with rounded front corners, the whole raised on tapering turned circular feet, the interior contains the porcelain pot
a round commode disguised as a "library stool"
It's been hard finding a comparison, although the top half of the commode looks very much like this piece from "1818", a UK auction house:
И совершенно фантастическая вещь:
Клозет-комод для путешествий в форме книги, 18 век.
An 18th century traveling commode
Начало-СОСKCHAIRS-ТУТ -------------