Dec 26, 2006 22:19
Chirstmas is over hurrah!
All I got were 2 gift cards. Which is fine since my family is broke and can't really afford anything.
I don't ask b/c I already know the out come.
Saw my dad yesterday. That was nice since we can never get ahold of him.
He still lives in the clinic and he uses his minutes all the time so we can never talk to him.
We pretty much ate and talked before dropping both my dad and brother off at home.
My brother is going into job corps. Something he really needs to do.
I hung out with my sister today. Went downtown then got some food and then went to the library where i use to work at. Straaange that place is now.
So tomorrow is back to chicago.
I hope to find a job ASAP. All I need in the New year is a new job!
girft cards