You know it's dangerous to be so intimate

May 05, 2009 14:51

A Real post.
i hope my twits aren't annoying.

I spent the weekend trying to relax and then trying to deal with the assholes that come in/call my store.
I'm glad that I'm looking for something new. Really sick of the bull.

I'm talking to boys and I am really extremely horny. I'm not a ho, but boy oh boy. Sometimes you just need it and fuck morals, the comfort of your hand can only do oh so much. Pffft whatever.
I'm trying not to desert the idea of having a boyfriend. Because I do think I'd make an excellent girlfriend (esp. becasuse of doting personality.) but my patience with people is very short, mainly because of all the bullshit you have to go through. Can't relationships be about good conversations,good music,good friends and good fucking? Why do I need to doubt myself and deal with some broad on the side? The forced unnecessary drama what I'm not looking forward to. After years of false starts and failed attempts at this thing the called love, I know what I want and have no time to deal with people's crap. All in all I'm taking stuff slow and not dealing with wishy washies

None of that will be apart of my awesome summer. Seriously.

speaking of summer plans. I have been thinking I might save up to go to a music fest or to ATLEAST one of the comic cons. It would be amazing to go to the San diego con..but im not giving my hopes up.
The funny thing is that my list of plans isn't even that exciting or great just things I'd like to do.
Plans include:
A new job
Attend an Dr.Sketchy's Anti art school drawing session at the grog.
Spend alteast some of my off days out of my house.
Find a dive with cheap drinks
go to cedar point for the first time ever.
Finish a knitting project (though I'm a difficult student according to my mother.)
Learn to drive. (My old ass is finally learning to drive. make fun)
Get my damn online comic up
Go to shows
Some sort of trip. Maybe take in the country at my aunt's house. Though if my gramps is going I doubt I want to drive up there with his cranky ass.
Taking lots of trips to museums.
Spending time with my sisters/brothers.
Fixing up Edgar. (my bike) I plan on doing alot of riding in non-glass field areas.
Mainly it will be about BBQ's,smoking js,Looking cute and spending time with those who put up with me.

There is also a bowling green trip plan to see tiffers.

Besides that I have been working on my body. I recently lost about 15 pounds. Mainly because I don't eat anything and I have been paranoid of getting fat. I use my brother's home gym probably twice a week on my off days. Once edgar is back in shape I'll be riding again. Also all of a sudden, I have become a picky eater. I don't like alot of stuff, like candy,fried food and fast food and I guess I'm really paranoid of too much High Fructose corn syrup and general nasty that they put in food. I do eat alot of bread and grains.
But I'm happy to say that in the first time in awhile i'm really happy with the way I look. My skin looks great,I have more energy and I find that I'm pretty attractive. Too bad there is only like 6 hot dudes in this city. Hmmmph.

work sucks, great american adventures, summer plans, boys, summer, sexual frustrations, general ranting

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