LJ Idol Season 9, Week X: Well, Shit.

Jan 26, 2015 22:54

Thanks everyone ( Read more... )

lj-idol rl, lj-idol

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Comments 23

bleodswean January 27 2015, 04:07:24 UTC
*hugs* I would LOVE to be able to continue to read your stories. I hope you post them here!

We can commiserate about queries and submittals!


i_17bingo January 27 2015, 10:23:06 UTC
I need to take a break from writing for a while, but I might Home Game as the season draws to a close.


roina_arwen January 27 2015, 04:49:19 UTC
You've had an amazing run and I'm glad we are FB friends! Any time you want a fresh set of eyes to look over something for you, just drop me a line!


i_17bingo January 27 2015, 05:14:45 UTC
I most certainly will be doing that.


watching_ships January 27 2015, 06:30:13 UTC
Dadgummit. I'll miss your writing.

Added you on instagram.


i_17bingo January 27 2015, 10:23:26 UTC
Got it! Thanks!


crisp_sobriety January 27 2015, 07:07:33 UTC
You're awesome!

Keep writing (like I have to tell you that, pff), and if you're feeling generous, keep letting us read it from time to time. :)


i_17bingo January 27 2015, 10:24:12 UTC
When I get back to writing, you'll see it here, folks!


jexia January 27 2015, 10:08:45 UTC
Urgh, I am feeling so guilty about this. I want to see more of your writing, and I'm sorry.


i_17bingo January 27 2015, 10:25:17 UTC
There's nothing to feel guilty about. The remaining writers are really, really good, so I went out on a high note.


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