LJ Idol, Season 9, Week 33: Musth

Jan 15, 2015 04:20

Gina took a moment from contemplating the candle to watch Victor's brow knit together in concentration as knelt in front of her. She sympathized with his frustration, but she couldn't help but admit to herself that his expression was kind of adorable.

He opened his green eyes to meet hers. "This ain't working."

She'd known him for months, but those eyes still stunned her. She had, though, grown accustomed to pretending they didn't. "Patience, Victor."

"How do you make it look so easy?"

"I've been practicing magic since I was a child," she reminded him.

He hopped to his bare feet. "I just can't take this anymore!"

"Victor!" she scolded. "Your only flaw is that you're a novice. With practice, you will connect to the flame. Trust me."

"That's not what I'm talking about," he said from behind her.

"What is it you are talking about?"

"I feel like I'm holding back."

"There is no reason to restrain yourself, Victor," she told him. "It's only through determination and exertion that you will achieve your desired outcome."

Unexpectedly, his breath caressed her cheek. It simultaneously warmed and cooled her skin, like dripping wax. "I was hoping you'd say that," he whispered.

"Victor, your proximity is disconcerting."

His lips brushed against his ear when he replied, "Is that right?"

She shuddered. "Victor, you're involved in a committed relationship with my best friend."

"Didn't you and Susan talk about sharing me once?"

"Perhaps I should consult with her."

"Perhaps..." He took a break from speaking to nibble on her neck. "Perhaps you should just relax."

"Victor," she pleaded.

His arms wrapped around her body, drawing it closer to his, while his fingers explored the front of her blouse. Delicately and deliberately, he unfastened her buttons. This was one of the last remaining articles from the wardrobe she'd brought with her when she'd run away from home, but she didn't care anymore. All she wanted was for him to tear it off of her. She waited in agony as cold air kissed every new inch of skin he exposed--nowhere near fast enough. Finally he pulled the fabric off of her shoulders.

"Victor," she conceded.

She reached behind to unhook her bra, but he snatched her wrists and pulled them away. "Just relax." The clasp popped open, and the straps fell. He traced the length of her spine to the zipper of her pencil skirt, which he opened smoothly. His farmboy hands slid under the cloth and over her hips. Their roughness should have been uncomfortable, but she'd observed and craved them for so long that she couldn't imagine feeling anything else. She squirmed eagerly and bit her lip and opened her eyes, revealing that she was, in reality, alone on the twin bed of her dorm room. "Fuck!" she shouted.

Her sleeping roommate sat up. "What! What's going on?"

"I apologize," Gina panted. "I'd had a nightmare."

She laid back down and rolled over. "Forget about it."

Gina dressed quietly and made her way to the twenty-four-hour study lounge downstairs. This would be a good opportunity to spend some time with her current assignment for her literature class. She didn't particularly like this novel, so her hope was that it could steer her mind away from the delicious travesty that awaited her in REM sleep. Besides, if she was lucky, she might even find something to enjoy in the later chapters.

She didn't.

Minutes passed, and every one was a chore. The words coalesced into smug, pretentious drivel, and pulling Victor's T-shirt over head wouldn't satisfy the violence of her lust. The fabric tore apart easily, and her nails clawed his chest and those perfect abs. Her fury only encouraged him. He shoved her onto her back, pinned her shoulders down, and breathed, "Relax."

Gina snapped out of it shouted, "Fuck!"

After inhaling and exhaling, she decided that mystical intervention was necessary. "Morpheus, liberte-me do seu aperto esta noite. Permito-me de você,, deixe-me descansar."

That settled, she retrieved her book from the floor and thumbed to the proper page and Victor tugged her skirt off of her ankles and then set to work on the button and zipper of his jeans. Impatiently, she reached over to yank them down.

In the study lounge, Gina shouted, "Fuck!"

Several challenging hours later, she shuffled to the school cafeteria for her morning routine of acquiring a somewhat edible breakfast and taking a seat at her usual table next to her second-best friend. As always, she said, "I hope you're well this morning, Gerard."

He flinched and scooted several chairs away.

This was not part of the routine. "Gerard," she asked him, "have I done something to insult you?"

He grunted.

"I assure you, whatever that might be, it was not intentional."

He finally spoke. "You know what? I think I'm going to go to class."

"Your first class doesn't convene for forty-seven minutes."

"I'll hang out."

After glancing down at his tray, she noted, "You've hardly eaten. You know you're incapable of participating in your studies without proper nutrition."

"I'm not hungry!" he snarled.

She recoiled.

"Why won't you leave me alone? Why do you insist on searching me out? Messing with the stuff I love to do?"

With patience that surprised her, she squinted curiously at him. "Gerard, I would like to tell me where this hostility has come from; it didn't exist when I last saw you nineteen hours ago."

"I had a..." he sighed and averted his eyes from her, shrugging in such a way that his shoulders formed a barrier between them. "... a dream... that... about..."

"Did I make an appearance in this dream?"

"I'm sorry, Gina."

"I can't cast judgment, Gerard," she told him. "I, too, have suffered through a similar dream."

"Anybody I know?"

She didn't respond.


"I'd rather not mention his name."

"Oh, come on!" He returned to his usual seat. "I told you mine! Sort of."

"It's..." she closed her eyes. "It's embarrassing."

"So was--"

A tray landed on the table across from them, forcing their attention on its owner, Victor. "And how are you folks this lovely morning?"

"Fine!" snapped Gina. Her fingernails clamped onto the table, and her jaw tightened. She was certain that she was conscious, but her barely controllable impulse was to dash over and strip him naked.

Gerard grinned. "Never mind. I figured it out."

"Figured what out?" asked Victor.

"I said I was fine!" Gina snapped again.

Gerard's sister announced her arrival with a subdued, "Yo."

After Susan was seated, Victor leaned over to her and spoke in a low voice. "I had the best dream about you last night. I can't wait to reenact it later."

Gina blushed. "I hope you're well this morning, Susan."

"I'm fine!" she replied and averted her eyes from her, shrugging in such a way that her shoulders formed a barrier between them.

"You too?" Gina almost laughed.

Gerard groaned, "This is so awkward."

Slapping her hands on the table, Gina rose. "If you'll pardon me," she told everyone, "this is something that must be dealt with."

She stormed across campus to her bed, which she threw herself onto. Victor was soon next to her, groping her through her shirt. She allowed herself a moment to indulge before gritting her teeth and declaring, "Enough!"


"I said enough!" She shoved him away. "Who are you?"

"You know who I am."

She shook her head. "Succubus or incubus?"

He sighed, "Incubus."

"Then why did you use my face to seduce two of my friends?"

"That was my partner," he replied.

"I would like to speak to her as well."

"But there's a freshman upstairs sleeping in," he told her. "He doesn't know it yet, but he's a sub, and she brought--"

"Now!" Gina demanded. "And put some pants on."

"Fine, but if that boy finds out that you were cock-blocking--"


The being that looked like Victor shouted, "Fiona!"

Immediately there was a knock on the door.

She opened it to her Shakespearean Studies professor, Laura Francis. "There's not a lot that justifies coitus interruptus, Seamus," she said. But after she looked Gina up and down, she added, "Although a threesome could--"

"I'm a Torres," Gina stated, "on my mother's side."

"I don't know what that means," Fiona replied.

"My family is one of the five," she clarified, "and this is our land."

"Oh." Subtly Seamus backed away. "Don't your kind live somewhere in the Northeast?"

"I live here," Gina told them, "and I order you to leave."

"But you kids are so delicious!" whined Fiona.


Fiona asked, "Okay, but can I just finish with the--?"


Victor's hand reached out for Gina. "We never had a chance to finish either. Don't you want to before I go?"

"No," she lied.

"You heard the ice queen." Fiona hustled him out the door, "Don't worry, darling; there's so many other campuses out there."

After she was sure they were gone, Gina woke herself up and shouted, "Fuck!"

lj-idol, fantasy, writing, susan, gina, gerard, victor

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