Paws to Reflect

Feb 09, 2013 03:10

I am dead tired now, because I didn't sleep well last night. Partly because the cats returned home at 2:30 a.m.

Newcastle head-butted me so hard he lost his balance. Repeatedly.

Magik then advised Kate, through a language made up of meowing, purring, and kneading, that, if she promises NEVER to let anything like that happen again, she may scratch his belly. Keep in mind this is a very exclusive things--neither President George Bush nor President Barack Obama has been granted the privilege of scratching his belly.

Andrew immediately set upon a path of exploration and destruction, like Francisco Pizarro.

And so, even though a lot of our stuff has yet to arrive, and even though I've only lived in Qatar for three days, it's officially home now.

globetrotter, doha, adventure

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