Nov 04, 2004 10:57
it has been a long time since i have posted anything so here goes nothing:
life has been pretty hectic. Joe and are are not really communicating right now. i havent called him and he hasn't called me either. he has been talking a lot to his ex-girlfriend. her boyfriend died on her birthday recently. i have been trying to be okay . he says that she keeps asking him wierd questions about if certain things had or hadn't happened in thier relationship where does he think that they would be now. i told him that i found it kind of wierd. i also said that death can cause a person to re-evaluate their lives. and maybe that is what she was doing. searching for something that she once knew that made her feel safe. was i wrong for trying to be supportive? any ways. my phone kept cutting off and i kept trying to call him back. the last time i called him back he sounded aggrivated adn he said that he was just going to go to sleep. i said okay and told him goodnight. my feelings were hurt and i figured that he would notice by the tone of my voice that i wasn't okay. i was teary and sniffly. but he didn't notice that i was hurt. i figured that i would wait for him to call me if he really wanted to talk to me. also i wanted to give him time to think about what was going on with his ex. but he hasn't called me in 3 days so i dont know if i should call or not.
i am having trouble with voicing my opinion about things. My friend is totally doing what she said that she wouldn't do. in her last relationship she cut off all her friends to be with this guy that she was in love with. she hooked up with another guy, broke up with the guy she was in love with. she said that she didn't want to date a guy who would have her to isolate herself from her friends. and now she is doing the same thing. i personally dont have a problem with love. but i dont think love would cause a person to neglect everything tht was once important to them. for instance she is hardly going to school and she is always on the phone with him or on line with him. she invites me to luch only to talk to him the whole time. i try to understand being that he is 11 hours away but it is hard to understand. it is like she is changing her whole persona to fit his. She thinks that this is because she is so deeply in love with hime and he with her. but if that were so wouldn't he want her to be herself. i think that she loves him adn at the same token she is obseesd with him. there was not transition form her last relationship to this one. she started to be friends with her boyfriend 3 days before she broke up with her ex. adn she was inlove with him by then and out oflove with her ex. it has been a month and a half and they are talking about getting married and having children in a few years. it is like they are planning out there whole future together. which is similar to what she did with her last boyfriend. but then he started to be not who she though he was. she stayed with him because she loved him. and them she left him. i think she just transferred her emotions to her new boyfriend. because he seemed to be everything her ex wasnt.
i guess i am vented out. i would really love it if you guys could comment on this. i really need to know if i am loosing it or something.