Jul 12, 2015 00:07
I've been seeing lately how my questions are always being answered in some form, shape, or fashion by the universe.
I asked for a notable moment where I'd see the love my inner beings felt for me. Later I saw a shooting star while at the exact moment hearing Sia sing the lyrics "You're a shooting star I see". I asked for a new pair of shorts and I felt inspired to go into Forever 21 where lo and behold, I discovered they added a boys section for shorts. I asked for some clarity on whether going general was my path, and the clarity came.
This back and forth has been wonderful and is getting more wonderful as my conscious awareness of it and equal expanding belief of it gets clearer and clearer.
So my new question is about death. My death. Is it my time to die? I feel I am coming to the brink of really getting a handle on deliberate creation. I'm not eager about death. I do feel relief when I think of the relief in death. I do feel I have a choice.
Another question I have is about the idea of a life worth living. I am coming around to the idea that life is about feeling joy. A life worth living could be considered this: a series of unending, ever-expanding opportunities for joy. I like that idea; it's not about the getting there - it's about the going. Because I've heard and felt that as soon as I get there, there's always more I'm reaching for so... there's never a 'there' I will finally get to. It is as I am - eternal. I'd like to understand my eternity too.
So life is about feeling joy and rendezvousing with opportunities for it. It's about feeling light and joyous as the details that match that light joy get more and more specific.
This thought helps to round this out even more: sure, the big moments are notable. Sure, the moments like getting a new car, getting a home, falling in love, getting married, having kids, etc. Those are all wonderful moments. However it is the small, every day moments that truly make up what one could call life. "The big events are noteworthy, but it is those small everyday moments that equal the way you chronically feel, and the way you chronically feel is life." - Abraham-Hicks
I love this idea. I love the idea of living and embracing this idea. What kinds of simple joys and complex joys can I be upon? I'd like to know.
I am so humbled I'm here. I think I'll let these 'questions' quiet themselves out, and allow the answers to come into full blown manifestation. All is well.