Feb 10, 2005 23:42
So i counted the calories i ate today and i burned them all on ddr, plus what i did not do in workout mode. Oh but then i ate toco bell, so almost everything. But now i feel as if i'm gonna pass out and die. I'm determined to be skinny, okay well loose weight and i hate working out. so i will stick to DDR. Siobhan comes up TOMORROW!! my last weekend with her, omg i can't think of this, i say that every time, but 2 weeks i will be at the airport saying good bye...and tears keep on comming. So sorry in advance if i'm a bitch and not talktive. Today in sex group talk we played i never, and the " i never fooled around at work" came up, ha ha...i still hate that class. i was kept after b.c i am quiet, well i have a lotta shit going on at home with my dad like taking away my car or wanting to, sibhan leaving and my parents and school that i'm not in the mood to talk about my sex life. and i'm used tobeing hte loud one in my group of friends and there are other loud people so i don't wanna like buttin ya know, my teacher was like ur loud? wow, i'm like yea....hmm i need to clean my room, UGH i don't want to. la la laaaa