Today is your lucky day. ' Why,' you say? Well, because
slapdash_sims have opened once again their doors for new contestants in the upcoming Top Model Competition.
Community Info.
Copied from Slapdash Sims:
Obviously, before you can enter aforementioned contest, you'll need to create your model!
-Using the Body Shop (So that the Sim is packageable) create your model. This model may be any age, gender or heck, even species (but if you choose to go with something like an alien or your own creation, I suggest keep them fairly neutral. In other words, I suggest you stay away from anything with fur. Remember, your model is your canvas, blah, blah, blah).
-Give that model a name, a personality (because we want to see it in your photos) and heck, a background story. Basically, you're going to create your generic profile.
And it should look something to the effect of this (Though bear in mind, since I have no Sims at my parent's house, everything will be text):
Teaser Picture (A small picture of your model that does not exceed the blog size)
-A LJ cut-
Model Name
Brief Background (Where does your model come from, hobbies, anything you think is relevant.)
Personality Breakdown
Photos (One of each of the following, showing sims in their element)
(What do the following mean to your model or what not)
*Edit : -A head shot
*Edit: -A Full Body shot
-At home
-Night out
-Dream Job
-A photo of your choice
I know it sounds a little weird but I need as much info on this model as you're willing to give me/create. Because, let's face it, it will be handy for comic things and what not.
So contestants, start entering! Go find others to join too! The more the better!
Just for entering a model, you receive 100pts. Each photoshoot is worth a certain number of points and the grand prize is a guest appearance (possibly reoccurring) of your model on
fickle_creature's webcomic
You need no vast amount of skill to enter, all you need is at least the base game The Sims 2, a livejournal account, and the ability to upload photos to the internet.
Questions you may have:
What IS an ANTM type contest?
-ANTM is America's Next Top Model, and before you groan, let me continue. You will create a sim, ANY sim, whether they be alien, male, female, an elder, a teen, a child, etc.
-You will then continue to USE this sim and unless directed otherwise, ONLY this sim in photoshoots as described by me. Like all photoshoots before, I will answer any questions regarding the shoot.
- Each round, points will be awarded for making it to that round. Extra points will be awarded if you WIN that round with the best photo shoot. Here's the catch: No matter how good your photo shoot is, if it is the worst of the bunch, you will be eliminated.
Edit: Sorry to those who waited too long! The doors have closed once again. But, If you
want to participate anyway, you can do the shoots for points. You won't be able to win the
GRAND PRIZE, though. The first shoot is up, so GO, SIM!