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Oct 31, 2004 16:37

Well, this weekend is almost over and my 4th and last week of training at AT&T is about to begin. Last week was sooo frustrating cause mikie and I would get done with everything the first time we were taught it and then have to wait around for most of the rest of the class to take forever to understand! to the point where mikie and I actually taught most of the training book to ourselves cause we would have nothing else to do other then move ahead of everyone else. It is kewl tho cause the trainers are kewl and know we know what we are doing so they just leave us alone for the most part. Sometimes its kewl to be the teachers pet! hehe We took our third test on Friday, I got at 92%, not too bad but I was surprised cause I expected to do better, but oh well, I just want to know which questions I got wrong cause we ran out of time on Friday and cant go over them till Monday. Oh the waiting! hehe Other then work not too much else has really been going on. Its weird cause I never get to see amy anymore cause we are working opposite shifts right now, when I get up for work she is sleeping, when I get home from work she is at work and then when she gets home from work i'm in bed! oh well, I’m sure we'll get a chance to hang out soon, its not like we didn't just spend the last year and a 1/2 hanging out on like a 24 hour basis practically, I think the away time is prolly good for us! hehe I have however been spending a lot of time with my new faggot, mikie! he's gweat and even tho we haven’t known each other for more then a few weeks we clicked really fast! :) I don’t know what I would do without him in training at work too, I would be bored out of my skull prolly!
This has been a great weekend. On Friday after work, I went with mikie, martin and chris out to dinner at red lobster that was really good and then we all went to see the grudge! that movie was sooo great, I loved it. way creepy and sarah michelle gellar was great in it! yay buffy! hehe martin and I were bad tho cause we kept having wise ass comments to say to each other threw out the movie and kept laughing, it was great! :) Then last night, mikie and I picked kimmah up from the porn shop and went back to her house to chill. It was one of the best nights at kims and one of the latest I think...hehe wow was I fucked up last night! lol Then I spent today sleeping, which is always a good time! :)
We also got a new kitty this last week, on thursday I think. She is such a pretty kitty! I love her! her name is actually kitty for now, we do plan on changing that soon, she is two years old and all black except for the tiniest white spot on her leg, she is so purrrfect! and she has been hanging out in my room a whole lot and sleeping with me. so even tho she is the "family's cat", I’m totally claiming her! hehe :) hey...every witch needs to have herself a black cat right? ;) Alright, I guess this is long enough for today! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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