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Oct 28, 2008 15:07

who threw the first punch?


mybubble86 (2:47:20 PM): who are you voting for and why?
strikerplow (2:47:57 PM): Obama-Biden, because I feel that they are our best shot at getting back on track and I don't like Palin
mybubble86 (2:48:22 PM): why dont you like palin, and are you unbothered by obamas sketch connections?
mybubble86 (2:49:09 PM): im mostly playing devils advocate. im most likely going mccain, but i dont have my absentee ballot yet so im still swingable
strikerplow (2:49:49 PM): I think she's unprepared and undereducated to be vice president. I think she is inexperienced given her position as governor of "alaska" and she says a lot of things that disagree with me
strikerplow (2:50:04 PM): Obama had sketch connections, but every politician does
mybubble86 (2:50:08 PM): okay
strikerplow (2:51:07 PM): and I ignore McCain's ties with the keating five or his barbaric native american land policies in Arizona, and Palin's husband's dirty antics and the way she spends state moneys
strikerplow (2:51:08 PM): so i dunno
strikerplow (2:51:13 PM): I just really like biden, truth be known
mybubble86 (2:51:46 PM): okay
strikerplow (2:52:07 PM): I like John McCain too
strikerplow (2:52:14 PM): and don't like Obama . . . well half as much as his fanboys
strikerplow (2:52:18 PM): I dunno
strikerplow (2:52:25 PM): I gotta mail my absentee today
strikerplow (2:54:04 PM): I don't know how people can get so swept up
strikerplow (2:54:06 PM): I'm like you
strikerplow (2:54:10 PM): devil's advocate
strikerplow (2:54:15 PM): all candidates suck
mybubble86 (2:54:23 PM): yuuuuuuup
strikerplow (2:54:25 PM): how people can slobbery and drool over these candidates is beyond me
strikerplow (2:54:29 PM): *slobber
mybubble86 (2:54:35 PM): omg i know
strikerplow (2:54:39 PM): I saw someone with an Obama mug
strikerplow (2:54:49 PM): and I get sick of those shirts that say "YES WE CAN"
strikerplow (2:55:03 PM): like that hopeful optimistic bullshit hasn't been screamed by every other candidate since the conception of the USA
mybubble86 (2:55:19 PM): boooob the builder
mybubble86 (2:55:22 PM): can we fix i
mybubble86 (2:55:22 PM): t
mybubble86 (2:55:26 PM): boooob the builder
mybubble86 (2:55:29 PM): yes we can!
strikerplow (2:55:33 PM): it sounds egocentric
strikerplow (2:55:38 PM): but i don't give a shit what joe the plumber thinks
strikerplow (2:55:48 PM): joe the plumber doesn't have a phd in political science
strikerplow (2:56:06 PM): joe the plumber's biggest and most important decision is whether to go to church services early on sunday or not
strikerplow (2:56:34 PM): the average person is so loaded with biases and prejudices, it pains me to listen to them
strikerplow (2:56:42 PM): which is in itself, my prejudice
strikerplow (2:56:43 PM): heh
mybubble86 (2:58:04 PM): he doesnt have to decide whether its worth the investment to spend 50 dollars for a listing in the yellow pages or 200 for a full page ad, or whether to spend a couple million on a tv campaign or whether its worth hiring a new plumber when hes getting overbooked or if a new hire wont send him into the red if he cant get enough exptra business to cover the cost of the second plumber?
strikerplow (2:58:27 PM): precisely
mybubble86 (2:58:43 PM): funny, cause i was actually arguing with you
strikerplow (2:58:55 PM): well i misread it
strikerplow (2:59:28 PM): oh I see, you're being cheeky
strikerplow (2:59:55 PM): I'd rather an intellectual with tons of money to spend on second plumbers give me his opinion than a dipshit plumber
strikerplow (3:00:10 PM): one probably has more information to work with and a better concept of "fairness" and what's best for everyone
strikerplow (3:00:17 PM): while the other probably just doesn't
strikerplow (3:01:24 PM): the common person doesn't have the slightest clue what they're talking about with politics. half the time they regurgitate shit they heard on the pulpit or in the bathroom or at the dinner table
strikerplow (3:01:36 PM): that's why they're "common people"
strikerplow (3:01:46 PM): this is where difference between leaders and followers comes into play
strikerplow (3:01:52 PM): the ability to think independently
strikerplow (3:02:03 PM): and you probably think I'm a pompous prick now, but I can live with tht
mybubble86 (3:02:34 PM): really i just find it ironic that the supremacist is voting for the democrat who wants to take your money and give it to the common people
strikerplow (3:03:08 PM): hah
strikerplow (3:03:12 PM): the "socialist" angle
strikerplow (3:03:19 PM): that's cute
strikerplow (3:03:27 PM): because Obama is a socialist
strikerplow (3:03:31 PM): did preacher man tell you that?
mybubble86 (3:03:36 PM): um
mybubble86 (3:03:45 PM): someones getting pretty feisty
strikerplow (3:03:59 PM): I'm a supremacist; I'm just playing my role
strikerplow (3:04:16 PM): and talking down to someone regurgitating shit for which they have no basis
strikerplow (3:04:19 PM): that they merely "heard'
strikerplow (3:04:30 PM): I'm goosestepping right now
mybubble86 (3:04:31 PM): k well you enjoy that
strikerplow (3:04:40 PM): do your research
mybubble86 (3:05:03 PM): youre an asshole
strikerplow (3:05:09 PM): while sarah palin expands the powers of the federal government and takes away civil liberties when McCain dies in office
strikerplow (3:05:35 PM): because I called you out on your bullshit?
mybubble86 (3:05:47 PM): no because youre being an asshole
strikerplow (3:05:53 PM): you threw the first punch
mybubble86 (3:06:00 PM): i repeated what you said
strikerplow (3:06:08 PM): called me a supremacist

at this point, i blocked him because he was being completely unreasonable. he im'd me from another screenname

SccrJeremy (3:08:16 PM): I can't believe you blocked me when you insulted me first!

and im like 'okay hes not going to chill out any time soon' to myself so i block him there too, because i HATE heated political debates, which is why i generally keep my opinions to myself. i just listen to what others say and keep my responses to myself. TWICE he referred to himself as a supremacist, but not with that word. he COMPLETELY belittled middle/lower class, and im actually for the middle lower class, which is why im part democrat. all for giving the little guy a leg up if he has the potential to do something amazing. all about some charity. but obama wants to give, in my opinion, too much help to the little man. so thats what i said. i used his own description of himself and said that the supremacist was voting for the guy who wanted to give his money to the lowly commoner. and he COMPLETELY FLIPPED SHIT.

after i blocked his other screenname, he sent me a facebook message saying titled 'good riddance' with the message reading 'grow the fuck up'

totally out of line.

so. did i throw the first punch, or was he acting like a rabid dog?
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