Apr 14, 2005 14:03
PrInCeSsViV9: sup woman
lemonmartini85: not much down here how about you viv?
PrInCeSsViV9: ehhh not much, procrastinating on everything...writing my paper, registering, showering...
PrInCeSsViV9: the last one is kind of gross
lemonmartini85: haha yeah showering isnt really something to procrastinate on
PrInCeSsViV9: yeah but when u shower, it's like a 3 hour process
PrInCeSsViV9: cause i dont blow dry my hair
PrInCeSsViV9: so I have to have wet hair for ever
PrInCeSsViV9: and be cold
PrInCeSsViV9: so whats new?
PrInCeSsViV9: help me maintain my skankiness...at least until 2:00
lemonmartini85: hahaah ok i shall im talkin to my friend mike
lemonmartini85: hes telling me how my brother got high and got paranoid bc he thought the police were outside my house
PrInCeSsViV9: hahaha
PrInCeSsViV9: which brother?
lemonmartini85: jay
PrInCeSsViV9: yeah i cant really see glenn getting high, everytime i see him, he's in a buisness suit
lemonmartini85: hah glenn was a HUGE pothead
PrInCeSsViV9: really??
PrInCeSsViV9: hahha potheads are cool
lemonmartini85: ohh yeah they are
PrInCeSsViV9: dude, play the game on my lj
lemonmartini85: huh?
PrInCeSsViV9: go to my lj
PrInCeSsViV9: and play the game i have on it
lemonmartini85: kk im there now so i shall
lemonmartini85: WOW you have any idea how hard this is going to be for me considering that i've only heard songs from like 5 bands on this list
PrInCeSsViV9: u dont have to guess all of them
PrInCeSsViV9: just the ones u know
PrInCeSsViV9: u look mean in your facebook pic
lemonmartini85: what?
PrInCeSsViV9: i'd be scared of u, if i didnt know u...I'd be like "ooooh she's fuckin t ough"
lemonmartini85: i thought it was a pretty pic
PrInCeSsViV9: then...then, I would meet you, and like hump you or something
lemonmartini85: HAHHA
lemonmartini85: ohh viv i love you
lemonmartini85: i attempted
PrInCeSsViV9: ok i will check
lemonmartini85: may have been lame attempts but i did
lemonmartini85: lol
PrInCeSsViV9: awww tooo bad
lemonmartini85: hah didnt get any did i?
PrInCeSsViV9: nope
lemonmartini85: i triededed
PrInCeSsViV9: its cool
lemonmartini85: i changed my facebook pic just for you
lemonmartini85: {insert current fb pic)
PrInCeSsViV9: why did the baby cross the road?
lemonmartini85: ?
PrInCeSsViV9: cause he was stapled to the chicken
lemonmartini85: ::shakes head::
lemonmartini85: lol
PrInCeSsViV9: well u had nice tots in ur facebook pic
lemonmartini85: haha
lemonmartini85: yeah my friend fisty helped me out w/ that one
lemonmartini85: shes like push your arms together so the boobies pop
lemonmartini85: lol
PrInCeSsViV9: i would still hump u in this one....but i think now I'd appreciate you more, you wouldn't be just a piece of meat to me
lemonmartini85: haha thanks viv
lemonmartini85: nice to know that im no longer a piece of ass
lemonmartini85: what about that one? i changed it again {insert boobies pic}
lemonmartini85: lol
PrInCeSsViV9: ok,,,in that one, I'd buy you flowers, and call u back the next day
lemonmartini85: HAHAH
lemonmartini85: i thought that would definetely be a piece of ass pic
PrInCeSsViV9: i wouldnt want to loose that piece of ass though
lemonmartini85: HAHA wow
lemonmartini85: so honest viv, i miss that
PrInCeSsViV9: of course
lemonmartini85: people down here are too affraid of hurting ppls feelings so they dont say what they think
PrInCeSsViV9: see if I want to hump u, I will tell u straight out "listen bitch, i want to gyrate my pelvis on you"
lemonmartini85: haha i can see you saying that too
PrInCeSsViV9: ok my skank meter is almost up
lemonmartini85: awww no! i like your skankiness!
lemonmartini85: no my skank is leaving me!!
lemonmartini85: for a shower
lemonmartini85: lol
PrInCeSsViV9: i have to...i think i'm starting to get flees
lemonmartini85: ok then yeah, leave me really i dont mind
lemonmartini85: but i think your roommate wil
lemonmartini85: l
PrInCeSsViV9: i think i just got my period in my pants
PrInCeSsViV9: i should go
lemonmartini85: ehh GO