Nov 23, 2004 17:20
[Name] nicole
[Sex] chick
[School] BHS
[Sign] scorpio
[State] mississippi
[Exact Location] my room in my house in biloxi in ms
[Current Date] 11/23/04
[Current Time] 5:35 PM
[Clothes] a t-shirt and jeans
[Weather] fair
[Hair Do] in a ponytail
[Footwear] none! go bare feet!
[Mood] ok i guess. idk
[Talking To] tiffy
[Sounds] me typing and this dude on tv
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] 0-uh i don't have a desk
[Pets] None!
[Siblings] 1-12 year old brother nickolas
[Crushes] 2-bam and kinda sorta justin
[Cousins] 2-tammy and larry
[Aunts] 2-one that i love to death!
[Uncles] 1- that i talk to alot!
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a][y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] like five times until i find something good to wear
[Shower] 2-3 times a day
[Brush Your Teeth] like 4-5 times a day
[Wash Your Face] 2-3 times a day
[Brush Your Hair] 5-6 times a day
[Eat] 2 to 2 1/2 times a day
[Say the Word "ok"] a whole bunch
[Yell at Your Siblings] idk varies on how much he ticks me off
[Slam Doors] not alot at all like.. zero
[Nicest] katie :-D
[Coldest] chelsa
[Smartest] chelsa
[Tallest] neal
[Shortest] ngoc
[Most Fashionable] uhm me.. lol kidding.
[Smells Best] justin!
[Weirdest Conversations] tiffany
[Deepest Conversations] chelsa
[Stupidest Conversations] tiffy
[Best Liar] chelsa haha kiddin
[Hottest] no comment
[Most Annoying] no comment
[Best] katie chelsa and tiffy!
[Most Organized] not katie!
[Least Organized] ME
[Always Late] chelsa she can't be rushed lol
[Always Early] katie
[Always On Time] me
[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Procrastinate] o yea
[Stress] sometimes
[Take out Your Issues On Others] sometimes
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] used to
[Flirt Too Much] uh huh
[Have an Eating Disorder] no
[Tend to Judge People] not really
[Any Other Habits?] Nope nothing
[for a million bucks ] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] nope
[Strip For Your Classmates] maybe
[Shave Your head] nope
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] no but i know someone who did
[Wax An Old man's Back] maybe
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] maybe but i'd bring food
[Eat A Snake] if it was cooked and i didn't know it was a snake
[Make Out With one of Your Best Friends Boyfriend] nope
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] yea
[Make Out With Your Teacher] nope no guy teacher can be hott enough for me
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] tsh no!
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] haha maybe i'd have to move to a different school though
[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] boredness
[What's The Time Now] 5:53
[What Are You Doing After This] watching tv
[Bye!] later
001. What is your name: nicole
002. Spell your name backwards: elocin
003. Date of birth: October 30, 1989
004. Male or female: chick
005. Astrological sign: scorpio
006. Nicknames: niki, miller, pinki
007. Occupation: student and soon to be occupied? lol
008. Height: 5'6
009. Weight: 132 i'm starting to eat healthy though
010. Hair color: brownish
011. Eye color: bluish
012. Where were you born: ocean springs!
013. i accidentally deleted the question ahhh!
014. Age: 15 yay finally
015. Screen names: bamandturtles
016. E-mail addy:
017. What does your screen name/email stand for: dazzeling... is just cool and bam and turtles are hardcore
018. What is your GJ name: huh?
019. What does your GJ name stand for: huh?
020. Pets: n/a
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: i didn't blow out candles on my last birthday :-(
022. Piercings: ears
023. Tattoo's: i want one like bam has
024. Shoe size: varies on company
025. Righty or lefty: rite
026. Wearing: jeans and a blink shirt
027. Hearing: friends
028. Feeling: sad
029. Eating/drinking: nothing
Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff
061. Have you ever been in love: nope
062. How many people have you said 'I love you' to: 1
063. How many people have you been in love with: 1
064. How many people have you kissed: 0
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: nope
066. How many people have you dated: none like really really dating
067. What do you look for in a guy/girl: someone who can make me laugh and is genuine
068. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: shoes
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: see other surveys
073. Do you have a crush right now: not tellin
074. If so who is it: not telling
075. Do you believe in love at first sight: if not should i walk past you again. lol
076. Do you remember your first love: uh huh
077. Who is the first person you kissed: 0!
078. Do you believe in fate: yea sure why not?!
079. Do you believe in soul mates: sort of
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: yea.i certainly hope so
~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have: 1
105. What are your parents names: robert and debra >Boxers or briefs? boxers preferable
>>Long or short hair? either.. not that long
>>Dark or light hair? either
>>Tall or short? taller than me
>>Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? both
>>Good guy or bad guy? both ;-D
>>Dark or light eyes? doesn't matter
>>Ears pierced or no? doesn't matter
>>Tan or fair? not super duper white
>>Freckles or none? doesn't matter
>>Stubble or neatly shaved? neatly shaved but like when not kissing rugged would be cool i guess
>>Rugged outdoorsy type or the sportsy type? a mixture of both
>>All American, homey G, or grunge? mixture!
On preferences
>>Mt. Dew or Surge? MT. DEW
>>McDonalds or Burger King? MCDONALDS
>>Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
>>Rather marry perfect lover or perfect friend? doesn't matter
>>Sweet or sour? sweet
>>Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper? neither
>>Tea or coffee? tea
>>Cats or dogs? dogs
>>Ocean or pool? ocean
>>Cool Ranch or Nacho cheese? cooler ranch
>>Mud or Jell-O wrestling? mud wrestling.. ooh kinky
>>With or without ice cubes? w/o
>>White milk or chocolate? white milk
>>Rain or shine? rain! nice to makeout in
>>Top or bottom? ooooo kinky!
>>Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall? winter.. snow = hardcore
>>Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
>>Skiing or snowboarding? both
>>Biking or blading? boarding
>>Cake or cookies? cookies - you can take them more places
>>Car or truck? car.. my car
>>Night or day? night also a good time to makeout lmao
>>Gloves or mittens? gloves
>>Pager or cell phone? cell
>>Bunk bed or waterbed? haha waterbed
>>Chewing gum or hard candy? hardcandy if it includes mints
>>Motorboat or sailboat? sailboat.. more romantic
>>Lights on or off? Off!!! duh!
What's your favorite...?
>>What's your favorite quote? "...and the hookers were like..."-bam
>>What's your favorite sound? thats kinky too! lmao
>>What's your favorite texture? anything rough < lmao thats kinky too!
>>What is ur house going to look like? funky and weird
>>Where do you want to live? some
>>How many kids do you want to have? 3
>>What does your ideal mate look like? cute
>>How do they act? manly and really nice
>>What's your dream date? doesn't really matter like maybe a fair or something
>>Do you like to call or be called? be called
>>Move anywhere, where would it be? orlando
>>Who would you want to come with you? famly close friends and hott guys! lol
>>Buy any car, what would it be? 1967 Pontiac GTO
Have you ever...?
>>Been in love? maybe
>>Been in a quiet room and screamed so there would be some noise? uh huh
>>Left the country? yep
>>Gone out in your pajamas? yea
>>Set yourself or a body part on fire? pft no
>>Started dancing when there was no music? lol yes! lmao
>>Pretended you were an opera singer? i tried it
>>Kept a secret from everyone? uhu huh i'm god @ it too
>>Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire? yes its by my house
>>Crashed into a public wall? huh?
>>Ever cried at a "chick flick"? uh huh a walk to remember
>>Had a crush on a teacher? nope
>>Done something stupid to impress your crush? uh huh
>>Laughed so hard you've cried? uh huh
>>What was it? i don't remember
>>Found a cartoon character attractive? max off of a goofy movie
>>At anytime owned a "New Kids On The Block": uh huh
>>Called or seen a psychic? nope that would be cool
>>Acted out of the ordinary? i live out of the ordinary hun
>>Prank called someone? uh huh
>>Gotten in a car? uh duh.
>>Fallen down the stairs? i slid down them
>>Seen the Eiffel Tower? uh huh
>>E-mail address(s)? none ya
>>Pets? none
In the last 24 hours have you...?
>>Cried? nope
>>Laughed? uh huh
>>Helped someone? uh huh
>>Cut your hair? nope
>>Worn a skirt? tried one on
>>Worn a tie? nu uh
>>Been sarcastic? uh huh
>>Gone to the movies? uh huh
>>Said "I love you"? uh huh
>>Written a letter? nu uh
>>Written a paper? nu uh
>>Watched your favorite movie? nu uh
>>Had a serious talk? uh huh
>>Missed someone? uh huh now! :-D
>>Hugged someone? nu uh
>>Had a nightmare? nu uh
>>Fought with your parents? nu uh
>>Fought with a friend? nu uh
Do you believe in...
>>God/Devil? uh huh
>>Yourself? Damn rite
>>Aliens? no
>>Destiny? uh huh
>>Signs? sorta
>>True Love? idk
>>The closet monster? damn rite
>>One person for everyone? maybe even two
>>Big Bang Theory? sorta
>>Evolution? sorta
>>Government conspiracies? damn rite
>>That squirrels are evil? when the sun goes down. they are under cover spys when the sun is up
When was the last time you...?
>>Wished upon a star? idk
>>Laughed until you cried? idk
>>Played Truth or Dare? at my bday party
>>Watched a sunrise/sunset? idk
Spent quality time alone? idk
>>Read a book for fun? idk
>>Told someone you loved them? idk
>>Ditched a friend? nope
>>Showered? uh duh
>>Did something out of character? idk
>>The last CD in your CD player? ashlee simpson
>>The last thing you said? kinky
>>The last thing you ate? idk
>>The last thing you said that made people laugh? idk
>>Are you a virgin? yep
>>How long did this survey take you? a hell of a long time
>>Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you? not really
>>Are you glad this EXTREMELY long survey is FINALLY done? uh huh
>>Any last comments? damn