Ganesh is still laughing at me...

Apr 10, 2008 21:24

In my last post I suggested that the Gods were having a laugh at my expense. Since Ganesh is the one with the mischievous bent, I continue to suspect he is largely culpable for the fact that April Fool's Day has become April Fool's Month. Is anyone else being victimised by Ganesh this month? Should we write the boy a lettre of complaint? It's hard to get angry with him when he insists on being so adorable!

Things what are irking me...


I admit I was a little skeptical when I discovered the majority of golf coverage was handed over to the heretofore seemingly lo-tek perennially also-ran basic cable Golf Channel this year as part of a whatsit? 17 year deal, I think. But they swiftly won me over with their shiny brainwashing, excellent commentary (alley lynching kerfuffle aside) and sudden HI-TEK overhaul. Shiny New & Improved Golf Channel coverage, it turns out, is as like being born unto a revelation in that it is remarkably similar to playing TW Golf with all the fancy angles, zooms, aerials and swing analysis play-backs. It spoils you, nevermind ramps up the already ulcer-inducing excitement.

It's nothing new that a majour or two (The Masters, The Open, The British Open, what have you) is still under contract with other...what does one call it? vendors? Anyway, The Masters is apparently still the purview of ESPN who is running Thursday and Friday coverage from 4-7 PM before handing off to CBS for the weekend. Muddying things further, Golf Channel has Live Coverage (heh) from Noon to Four.

So here's the thing. Because of contractual bungling, Golf Channel can't actually show Live Golf in their coverage, all they can do is talk about the action and analyse the leaderboard Then, at 4PM, in swoops ESPN with some of the most embarrassingly shitty sports coverage I've encountered in...well...considering their coverage looks like this VCR recording I have of my Grandpa playing the Bob Hope Classic back in the mid-eighties? Decades behind.

I think what's happening here is that ESPN maybe threw a batshit!pusillanimous hissy at whatever deal-making conference ended up with Golf Channel winning their MEGA-contract and so ESPN has been shunned and literally has NO ACCESS to anyone's camera-towers or even the MetLife blimp which is like a fucking golf fixture of coverage wondrousness. So instead they're stuck with a bunch of  totally REEEDICULOUS shots of K.J. Choi or Luke Donald (both of whom I adore) waiting around to putt. Why is Tiger always below a hill in camera sightline? Dude!

Nevermind the preposterous time-slot. Tiger teed off around 11:30 after an hour's fog delay; other majour players of note were scheduled to tee off staggered over the next couple hours. So what's a network to do? Recap or stick with the live action? Basically, by the time their coverage starts, they're forced into dead-in-the-water-boring recaps of all the faves and live action with players noone cares about. Sheesh. For love of the game, indeed.

I will say this. Golf Channel's "non-coverage" is far more amusing and informative than the cockamamy crap ESPN is offering up (poignant Drew Weaver/Virginia Tech tie-in aside). At least they've got Beat Brandel!

Anyway. It's first day at The Masters and while it's always a toss-up, it shouldn't look like a US Open, guys?

Tiger (even)
Lefty (-1)
Jeev (-1)
K.J. Choi (even)
Bendy Spider Boy (+1) (It should be noted, I can do that too, but I guess it's more interesting in a guy?)
Luuuukkkke! Donald (whom I love because he's a Northwestern boy and a VERY decent painter...and cute) (+1)
Mikey! (Mike Weir) GO TEAM CANADA! (+1)
Aaron Baddeley for the Aussies (+2)
Paddy Harrington for the Irish (+2)
Adam Scott for the makes you weak in the knees contingent (+3) With his talent, I mean. No really.
Geoff Ogilvy. (+3) Because I love his version of cool and breezy golf and because he is the perfect marriage with PUMA endorsement and because he is just really...lovely. And Ogilvy.

I tried and I managed to get some money together and then the auction got pulled. That was yesterday. Ganesh giggled.

Today, I pulled even more money together and then I was about to run over to the Publix and the car (Talyn) sputtered out after starting. Perfect time for car troubles, right?  Cute. Real cute.

Btw. Who ruined the ebay auction...? Ebay etiquette is that you don't flaunt on the first's like poker, you bluff until the very end?

How the hell did this auction climb by $1000 immediately? Who's the asshat? (MD, I know it's not you.) On the other hand it's all good for the point, which is helping Babz.

Last (heh), I'm working on a new painting. I have an idea what I'm doing but it really kind of changes from brush stroke to brush stroke.. here's a taste of the latest with some more depth under cut to save everyone's flist.

As usual, these are all clickable for larger images...

So first off, I added the pink today, the painting looked like this yesterday:

I'm never sure whether anyone cares about the beginning stages, but here is some background:

Prelim sketch...


Rather blurry pic of my painting workspace...

There are some more pics in the gallery for this painting.

I had a very definite idea and concept when I started this painting and it was largely based on what was going on here:

You've got your lily pads and your water but positive and negative space become arguable and negotiable in this google searched Posters-R-US photo, eh?

Also, based off this, I want to translucently impose the lily flowers over the rest of the painting, sort of a trompe l'oiel step further from the last painting.

So, ever wonder where the creative juice stems from? I think it's safe to assume Callum's a fan of Hemingway. And also Basquiat, apparently...

Look familiar? Pemo? Hee.

Close to last and BSG-related. Could someone please to reference somewhere, either writer's, producer's or actor's dialogue or whatever, where Leoben is in fact responsible for Kacey pitching down the stairs?

And finally, everyone loves to get some good dog, right?


painting, golf love

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