Mar 20, 2006 23:25
Okay, so I promised to update this thing better than the paragraph I did several days ago, although that was the most important information. ;) Hehehe. Anyway, it all started sunday afternoon...
I was just lazing around, relaxing and trying to keep my feet elevated-- swollen feet and ankles, gotta love it. Nothing was terribly different except I'd noticed a few things I hadn't before and they concerned me. I'll not go into details. ;) Anyway, I called my doctor and though she said she didn't think there was anything wrong, she told me to go into the hospital anyway. So, I called my mom, told her what we were going to do and then ran to take a shower. O:) I was being lazy, remember? Ahem. We drove to the hospital and checked in. They then set me up on a baby heartrate monitor and a contraction monitor. I was contracting, but nothing big or steady. The baby's heartrate, though, wasn't doing what they wanted. It was really high and wasn't going down no matter what they did.
My doctor came in and said that she was just going to start me because she didn't want to take a chance with the baby. So, she broke my water (that was so nasty, not to mention the knitting needle type thing she used to do it) and they waited to see if I would progress into labour on my own, which I did. Slowly. The contractions slowly got stronger. While we were waiting, we called Devin's parents to let them know what was going on and my mom called my dad to let him know. We'd got to the hospital around 4:30ish. I'm not sure when the contractions started getting painful, I wasn't really paying much attention to the clock though I think it was very, very early morning on monday, the sixth. I tried to muck through as the contractions got really bad, but man... they sucked. X_X I was around 8cm-9cm dilated when I finally gave in and asked for an epidural.
Lemme tell ya... epidural's are nice after they're inserted and working... but getting it in wasn't a picnic. I could feel it even with the local they gave me to dull the pain. I dunno if it was me or what, but it wasn't something I'll be repeating any time soon. XD When it was finally in and dosing, it was nice. I couldn't really feel anything below my waist, although I could still move and the sensations of touch were distant. I could feel the tightening of the contractions, but that's about it. Kinda like when your foot falls asleep and it's trying to 'wake' up and you touch it. Sorta like that. My doctor finally came back in and checked me and found that I was fully dilated. So, that's when the pushing began. That was around 1 or 2 in the morning on monday. Everything was going pretty good-- slowly, but good. Then the epidural wore off and though they came back in to redose me, it didn't seem to do anything. So yes, I got the lovely experience of labour with and without drugs. XD
Apparently, my doctor had had a pitocin drip started sometime while I was pushing... I don't recall much of that. I just know it was long and painful. :P I'm just glad I had so much support, what with my doctor, my mom, mother-in-law and husband there. My doctor was about to resort to the vacuum when apparently I grew tired of pushing. ;) My daughter, Rhiannon Eliza Roberts, finally emerged into the world after several hours of pushing at 5:05am monday the sixth. Her cry was the most wonderful thing in the world. ^^ She sounded like a little mouse squeaking. They cleaned her off and let Devin hold her before she was given to me. Perfectly formed but very tired after her journey. :) Not to mention my exhaustion. I got to nurse her for a short time before the nursery people took her to check her over. While they were doing that, I was moved to another, more comfortable room and got settled in.
So, there you have it. ^^ The details. Yep. I'll have more pictures of Rhiannon soon which I'll put up. Until then, later days!