I'm going to try being more active here... we'll see how long it lasts this time!
Just posted my entry for Story Works' latest challenge:
You're being watched.. My initial idea was that Rodney was a conspiracy theorist living in Colorado Springs and keeping an eye on the base there. He still has his canon education except he wasn't brought into the Stargate program for some reason but is certain there is more going on under Cheyenne Mountain than deep-space radar telemetry. He's at the local bar one Friday night spying on the base's personnel when John approaches him (instant attraction!!!). They talk, mostly about the math Rodney's been scribbling on napkins, which leads John to think he's one of the base's scientists, and of course Rodney doesn't correct him. Rodney uses what he knows about John to look him up and finds out he was stationed in Antarctica when weird things happened there a couple of months ago (the Battle of Antarctica). They meet up several times, Rodney always spinning a tale when John asks him why he's never seen him on base, and slowly but surely Rodney learns the truth. Of course something has to happen that reveals the truth but then they need Rodney's help, he saves the day, joins the SGC, and gets the guy! ^_^ But that would have been really really long and I'm already struggling to write the short stuff, so I abandoned that idea
Received my SGA Secret Santa assignment this morning. I already know what I want to write :D because its an idea I've had for a while but never had the motivation to write. The initial idea was for a long fic but I don't think I'll be able to do that now, but we'll see... Gonna need a beta.
I am currently working on my Trope Bingo card. Of the 25, I have definite stories for about 17 (I really really want to write all 25 fic for 25 different fandoms) The ideas are there, it's just getting them down that's difficult for me.
That's it where writing's concerned.
As for my personal life: the weather's heating up, I'm still unemployed, and ... not sure what to put here, it seemed like it needed an 'and'.