(no subject)

Jan 29, 2008 13:45

That was.... strange, I guess. I was home again, and then.... back here. And Shirou-chan was talking to me! And... ordering me around, like I was his servant. I guess it must have been a curse?

Thank you, Sakura-chan, for taking care of Shirou-chan for me. You are... still here, right? I guess that goes for everyone, really. Are you all... still here? Shikamaru-kun, Naruto-kun, Sai-san, Ino-chan? Neji-kun? Did anyone go back home to Konoha?

It's... strange, that I still remember everything. I thought most people forgot everything when they left and then came back. I guess... that's not always true. But I'm glad, in a way. I have nice memories of this place, I wouldn't want to lose them.

If... any of my friends want to come.... I'd like to go exploring around the City a little bit, see anything that's changed since I left.
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