
Jul 22, 2007 18:14

Write down 10 people you know. Do not read the questions below, and then, when finished listing people, answer the questions as they correspond to the numbering. Tag five people at the end.
1. Kuro-tan
2. Norah
3. Rikku
4. Tamaki
5. Kairi
6. Riku
7. Baru-ru
8. Nadja
9. Odin
10. Francisco~

Who is #8 going out with? I don't believe she's going out with anyone at the moment, ne? Isn't she a bit young? Not that I'm one to talk about that~
Is #9 a boy or a girl? Boy. Not the most masculine, but still, definately a boy, ne?
Would #10 and #2 make a cute couple? Norah and Francisco? ...No, definately not, ne?
How about #1 and #4? ...XDDDDD; Well, they would look nice together, ne? But ultimately no. Kuro-rin would never and Tamaki would be too scared, ne? Plus, Kuro-chi is mine, ne? ♥
What year is #7 in? 7th, with me~
When was the last time you talked to #2? Not long ago, during the P-town trip. But it feels like we haven't spent a lot of time together recently, ne?
What is #4's favorite musical artist? Hm...I picture him liking a whole lot of everything, ne?
Does #1 have any siblings? No. Not really, ne?
Would you ever date #5? Kairi? ...Hm. I'm going to have to say no, ne? Excluding the fact that she's going out with a dear friend, and that Riku wouldn't let me if he had anything to say about it, I like her more as a friend. I do think she's attractive, I just don't think I could do that to her be her boyfriend, ne?
Would you ever date #2? Ahaha~ Why is this meme throwing all of my friends at me for these? Norah~ Norah norah norah~ ...I don't think I would go out with her either. No offense (and none to Kairi for that matter either, ne?). After all we've been through, it would just be weird at this point, I think, ne?
Is #6 single? Yep~
What's #10's last name? ...what was it? Oh! Yes! Lapomarda. :3
What's #1's fantasy? Me~ I live to fufill his fantasies~ ;D ♥
Would #2 and #9 make a good couple? Norah would top him, ne?
What is #2's future occupation? Hm~ She could do any number of things, ne? Though, if it were up to be, I would suggest she open a therapy Chic flick theater that sells nothing but ice cream at the concession. She'd make a killing off of that, ne? ...#2 comes up a lot in this meme, ne? o.o
Tell me a random fact about #5? She can surf and I can't, ne?
Have you ever had a crush on #3? I think she's cute, if that's what you mean, ne? But I've never had a real crush on her, ne?
What's #7's favorite color? ...Red? It seems like a color she would like a lot, ne? :)
Would you makeout with #2? Sure, if I was single. As long as it wouldn't make like too awkward afterwards, ne?
Are #5 & #6 best friends? ...yes, actually! XD;
Does #8 like #9? I'm not entirely sure if they even know each other, ne?
Does #2 have any pets? ...I...believe she has a cat, ne?
Is #5 older than you? No, I'm older, ne?
If #3 was in grave danger, would you save them? Of course. Or at least, I would try. Perhaps I would get Joe Blow to assist me~
Is #7 very attractive? Of course~ ♥
If you had to choose out of all these people to repopulate the world, who would you choose?: Well, that's not very fair, considering I can't repopulate the earth with Kuro-mii, ne? D: So that leaves the girls, ne? Hm...not Nadja, I'm afraid. That would be not only craddle-robbing, but really strange, ne? ...I don't think it would be Baru either, ne? I think I would rather have it be someone new, ne? Though that was very nice. ♥ Hm...Norah's nice, but has come up too many times in this meme...Which leaves Kairi and Rikku. Really, either of them would be fine, but...I think I'll go the same route and say Rikku. I think I might be murdered if I pick Kairi, ne? So Rikku, #3.

Hm...I'll tag Kairi, Norah, Tamaki, Baru-ru, and...Odin, ne? :D
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