Ana hung out today and it was quite amusing. XDD We were talking, Harvest Mooning, popcorn was flying down cleavage and getting stuck in peoples throats. It was good times. Now here's a meme:
Ask me a question about any or each of the following, and I'll answer honestly (to the best of my ability ♥):
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
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3. Whoa you were Italy? Sweet. XD and yeah I'm that way with a lot of things... it's so hard for me to remember names!
5. Oh I hear that. ;\ Romantic stuff doesn't creep me out, and I don't -not- believe in it, but this past year I realized I'm definitely not the romantic type. XD Well, maybe a part of me is, but I'm mostly too nonchalant (or cold, jeeze, I don't even know what the right word for it is!) to be actively involved in a romantic life/relationship. I found that out after I got with one of my recent ex-girlfriends. She was the TOTAL prince charming type. Like seriously, if she was a man, she would be most women's idea of the "perfect man". Chivalrous, constantly writing me love letters, poetry, talking about sending flowers and promise rings and even marriage... It was fun, she WAS perfect, but I realized pretty fast that getting treated like a princess felt really... not right to me. Because I'm not the princess type. xD; that and I never really thought about the whole marriage thing, so I wasn't even sure what to think about her proposals. lmao~
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