Nov 26, 2008 22:32

AIM convo with

xmattikinx (10:04:21 PM): JEEZ charmander, what are you grijnning at
xmattikinx (10:04:25 PM): whore
xmattikinx (10:04:29 PM): stupid reptile
CatchThexx (10:04:32 PM): O:
CatchThexx (10:04:34 PM): DONT YELL
CatchThexx (10:04:36 PM): AT HIM
xmattikinx (10:04:47 PM): I YELL ALL I WANT/ he's my birtch
xmattikinx (10:04:51 PM): birtch XDDD
xmattikinx (10:05:05 PM): I snorted.
CatchThexx (10:06:24 PM): gross
xmattikinx (10:06:35 PM): Snorted, not snotted
xmattikinx (10:06:40 PM): it aint gross
xmattikinx (10:06:47 PM): unless you hate pig noises XD
CatchThexx (10:06:57 PM): ;[
xmattikinx (10:07:17 PM): Why the hell are you sad??? XD
CatchThexx (10:08:20 PM): idk LOL
CatchThexx (10:08:24 PM): cuz i ate pig other day it taste bad
CatchThexx (10:08:28 PM): u reminded me
xmattikinx (10:08:28 PM): LOL
xmattikinx (10:08:32 PM): XD :<
xmattikinx (10:08:35 PM): LMFAO
xmattikinx (10:08:37 PM): LOLOLOL
xmattikinx (10:08:39 PM): ilu
CatchThexx (10:09:51 PM): ;[
CatchThexx (10:09:55 PM): ily2!!!
xmattikinx (10:10:03 PM): XD
xmattikinx (10:10:08 PM): silly beano
xmattikinx (10:10:18 PM): omg
xmattikinx (10:10:23 PM): *can't stop laughing*
CatchThexx (10:10:34 PM): why u leaughing
CatchThexx (10:10:35 PM): at me
xmattikinx (10:10:41 PM): I'm not
xmattikinx (10:10:48 PM): I'm, laughing cuz I call you a beano
xmattikinx (10:10:50 PM): XDDDD
xmattikinx (10:11:06 PM): *keeps laughing*
CatchThexx (10:11:17 PM): whats that mean
xmattikinx (10:11:23 PM): I dunno
xmattikinx (10:11:27 PM): it was a typo
xmattikinx (10:11:33 PM): I wanted to call you a regular bean
xmattikinx (10:11:35 PM): not a beano
xmattikinx (10:11:39 PM): beaniolo
xmattikinx (10:12:15 PM): BEEEASAANNNSS
xmattikinx (10:12:26 PM): k I'm good
CatchThexx (10:13:16 PM): ;[
xmattikinx (10:13:27 PM): :[ why?
xmattikinx (10:13:33 PM): *hug**
xmattikinx (10:13:35 PM): *snug*
CatchThexx (10:13:36 PM): -hug=
xmattikinx (10:13:42 PM): ...*grope*
CatchThexx (10:14:51 PM): -screams-
CatchThexx (10:14:53 PM): loljk
CatchThexx (10:14:59 PM): lololololololololoo
xmattikinx (10:15:07 PM): O___O IT WASNT ME
xmattikinx (10:15:09 PM): omg
xmattikinx (10:15:15 PM): *dives elsewhere*
CatchThexx (10:15:24 PM): who was it
CatchThexx (10:15:31 PM): iwas gonna give them cookie
CatchThexx (10:15:36 PM): guess i eat it
xmattikinx (10:15:52 PM): lmao, I completely forgot what we were talking about and I was gonna say "who was wha--OIMG COOOKIE
xmattikinx (10:16:03 PM): *puppydog eyes*
xmattikinx (10:16:10 PM): oh wait
CatchThexx (10:16:11 PM): -eats-
xmattikinx (10:16:13 PM): you hate puppies
xmattikinx (10:16:17 PM): *birdy eyes*
xmattikinx (10:16:21 PM): NOOOO
xmattikinx (10:16:30 PM): OOOO
xmattikinx (10:16:32 PM): O.
xmattikinx (10:16:40 PM): oh well xD
CatchThexx (10:16:50 PM): u hate puppies
xmattikinx (10:16:59 PM): u hate pouppes
xmattikinx (10:17:01 PM): lol
xmattikinx (10:17:04 PM): XDDDDDD
xmattikinx (10:17:10 PM): omg *goes into laughing fit again*
CatchThexx (10:17:56 PM): NO
xmattikinx (10:19:17 PM): YES.
xmattikinx (10:19:24 PM): XD
xmattikinx (10:20:06 PM): you want me to make you a cake and WHY THE HELL IS MY TEXT SO MSMAL::
xmattikinx (10:20:10 PM): small
xmattikinx (10:20:16 PM): I feel like a bug
xmattikinx (10:20:18 PM): like
xmattikinx (10:20:20 PM): I'm a bug
xmattikinx (10:20:22 PM): who's talking
xmattikinx (10:20:27 PM): in a relly tiny oice
xmattikinx (10:20:38 PM): *smokes cigarette*
CatchThexx (10:20:56 PM): why does tha mmatter
xmattikinx (10:21:47 PM): lol I always forget what were taliking abouyt
xmattikinx (10:21:52 PM): so I get cnfused
xmattikinx (10:21:55 PM): by what you say
CatchThexx (10:22:13 PM): llooooool
xmattikinx (10:22:18 PM): the chair's making a farting noise
CatchThexx (10:22:31 PM): maybe ur just farting
CatchThexx (10:22:33 PM): LOL
xmattikinx (10:22:34 PM): zLOL
xmattikinx (10:22:37 PM): XD NO
CatchThexx (10:22:39 PM): yes
xmattikinx (10:22:49 PM): but I'm not gassy today
xmattikinx (10:22:58 PM): I had no beans
xmattikinx (10:23:03 PM): or brocoli
CatchThexx (10:23:08 PM): mhm
xmattikinx (10:25:14 PM): OMG
xmattikinx (10:25:18 PM): you just made me choke
xmattikinx (10:25:20 PM): really bad XCD
CatchThexx (10:25:32 PM): how
xmattikinx (10:25:42 PM): I took a huge mouthful of water
xmattikinx (10:25:48 PM): and spilt some on myself
xmattikinx (10:25:54 PM): and then I started laughing
xmattikinx (10:26:03 PM): but I had to swallow
xmattikinx (10:26:06 PM): but I couldn't
xmattikinx (10:26:08 PM): XDDD
xmattikinx (10:26:17 PM): and water started going down my throat as I was laughing
xmattikinx (10:26:29 PM): and then I just spit it all out all over mysef
xmattikinx (10:26:45 PM): so now I'm all wet and coughing really bad XDD
xmattikinx (10:27:11 PM): I think I got some water in my lung
CatchThexx (10:27:53 PM): LOl
xmattikinx (10:31:03 PM): that was not good

I'm still coughing. XDD I think there seriously was/is water in my lung... jeevus.


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