Title: Mimicry
Fandom: SHINee
Characters: Kim Kibum, Kim Jonghyun
Prompt: Days
Word Count: 683
Rating: R
Summary: Curiosity kills
Author's Notes: Admittedly, this one sits a little .. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't think it's bad, or anything like that, but it's ... Darker than the rest. I guess that's all I really have to say.
Too smart for his own good, he’s always been impulsive, rash. He’ll regret what he does if he acts now. )
I didn't do that on the basis of any research, and I probably shouldn't admit that, I think, as it makes me feel like a novice for not doing my homework. I just went along with what I thought was the most realistic thing, and apparently I was right. rofl It's good to know!!
Annndddd now I have to get to the trite part that I'm having absolutely no luck with making sound original, buuuuuut, thank you so much for taking the time to comment and read and all that jazz. I super appreciate it and you're awesome for doing it~
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