Title: Mimicry
Fandom: SHINee
Characters: Kim Kibum, Kim Jonghyun
Prompt: Days
Word Count: 683
Rating: R
Summary: Curiosity kills
Author's Notes: Admittedly, this one sits a little .. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't think it's bad, or anything like that, but it's ... Darker than the rest. I guess that's all I really have to say.
Too smart for his own good, he’s always been impulsive, rash. He’ll regret what he does if he acts now. )
No, bb, don't worry about sounding ~*~cannibalistic~*~. I've thought, pretty much ever since I started watching the Hannibal movies, that human flesh probably does taste good. Of course, it's not something that we can really test out. Society deems it wrong and blahblahblah. But really, not to sound like a freak, but if I had the chance to legally try human flesh? Hell yeah I would. I'm curious as all get out, and you're probably right on all accounts, we probably taste amazing. Asian newspapers have the best speculations ^^ erm well Japanese ones, those are the only ones I can understand lmfao
I actually really enjoyed making Jonghyun the antagonist for once. He seems like he would go about his insanity in a completely different way from how Kibum usually crazies around in my dark!fics.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this~~ And that you took the time to comment. Bubbly, tingly happiness and all that~!!
lol, cant read japanese ones. (YET!!!) chinese newspapers (Y)
jonghyun is just in a different category of his own when he's the antagonist because of all the possible crazy!personalities he could take on, while with key its a lot more limited tbh.
lol Chinese seems sooooooooo complicated. T.T
Key works really, really well as a completely psychotic sadist. I've never really tried any different sort of antagonist with him, but I definitely agree with you. I'm not sure there's much at all to do with him in this sort of setting.
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