Title: Mimicry
Fandom: SHINee
Characters: Kim Kibum, Kim Jonghyun
Prompt: Days
Word Count: 683
Rating: R
Summary: Curiosity kills
Author's Notes: Admittedly, this one sits a little .. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't think it's bad, or anything like that, but it's ... Darker than the rest. I guess that's all I really have to say.
Too smart for his own good, he’s always been impulsive, rash. He’ll regret what he does if he acts now. )
It's well written but damn. :O
I actually covered my eyes while reading this. DDDDD:
....you need to write horror. omg.
Seriously, though. I'm actually really, really glad that it got this sort of a reaction from you. It makes me feel like I did something right. ^^
bb horror is my jam, for serious. ^^
WHY KEY!? And my mind's eye is extremely vivid so this is just...UGH.
I had to pause for a minute.
I applaud your writing style and attention to detail. BUT OMG. YOUR WRITING STYLE AND ATTENTION TO DETAIL. D: *covers eyes again*
...well done though!
I'm pretty sure I'm stoked about your comment. lmfao It's hard to be sure because you seem deeply disturbed by this!! I mean, sure, that's an amazing response, but I wanna make sure you're okay bb!!
I just really want you to experience how I felt while reading this.
I'll continue looking out for your pieces. ^__^
I appreciate that!! Really. I like knowing exactly what my pieces make people think!!
omo that makes me want to write!! ^^
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