[complete] symmetry

Jan 06, 2009 04:19

title: symmetry
rating: UH. I GUESS R JUST TO BE SAFE. Naked cuddling.
disclaimer: If you got here from googling your or your friend's name, oh my god please hit the back button. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE FOR THIS POST. D:

Uhhhh no lie, I am a little embarrassed about this one. I guess doing art for RPS fandom makes even the most shameless of us feel weird?! (I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD ANY SHAME LEFT IN ME AFTER BEING IN FANDOM FOR SO MANY YEARS. I WAS WRONG.)

Thanks to Chex for helping me out with anatomy issues (all remaining errors are totally my own fault SUCH AS THE RANDOM HIGHLIGHTS ON RYAN'S BACK. It was 4am! It was a good idea at the time! /o\) and listening to me whine and bitch. This one's for A., Lyo, and Mik, who tell me so many stories. :♥ If this picture belongs in any story, it'd be one that Lyo hasn't written yet. *SIGNIFICANT LOOK*


art:complete:b&w, art:complete, music:patd, art

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