SJ-World USA meet up
First of all on Saturday I went to Expo Business in Anaheim to get together with fellow SJ world and super junior fans. It was supposed to start at three but things got started later on, anyways I went in with my sister (she is more of a cassie fan but she still supports SJ) any who we got there and I felt awkward because I knew no one except my sister. There were posters around the walls and I was getting excited since there were posters from Marry You to Opera, Sorry Sorry to Bonamana, Mr. Simple there was even a SMTown poster.
Then we formed line to pick up our merchandise from SJ-world, then the coordinator told me “hi is that your sister” and I said “yeah.” I got my two glow wristbands, my sj-world towel, and I bought three masks. The thing that gets me irritated right know is that they didn’t even sing opera yet I have mask for that occasion.
After that we went to get food and I was self-conscious of how much food I got since I didn’t really know them. My sister and I sat in the floor to eat our food and it was good, then some other girls sat in a circle around us. This other girl sat next to my sister and asked her if she talked Spanish, we said yeah and we started talking in Spanish but we found out she knew English.
Next we started doing fancharts of some of the songs, we started with Superman and we did pretty good. We would practice fanchart with the letters and then we wanted live performance it was fun. The songs we practice were: Superman, Acha, Mr. Simple, and Sorry Sorry.
Lastly, they did raffles and they called my name I couldn’t believe it I thought, “I never win anything.” I was proved wrong, and I got OPPA OPPA CD (I’m sorry to the girl that wanted this CD also but Eunhyuk is my favorite and Donghae and Eunhyuk are my couple favorite). Anyways I won a CD and a photo card of Eunhyuk and Donghae it was lovely. Still today I can’t believe I won something.
CD I GOT! :)