Title- Impossible or Possible Pairing-Hyukhae, not sure about other pairings.
Genre- Against, Friendship, Fluff, Romance,
Warning- swearing, grammer and spelling mistakes.
Summary- Donghae is nerd of the collage while Eunhyuk is the most handsome/famous guy in the collage. After 7 years, Donghae had to leave Seoul and go to different place to find a guy which has been problem to his mum but what happens when he tries to find that guy,he finds Eunhyuk. Donghae had always wanted to meet him from 7 years. What would happen to donghae when he finds out that Eunhyuk was already married guy with a lovely son. Is their Love going to be Possible or Impossible.
Chapter 3 Previous-
Chapter 2 Chapter 1