Title: Misunderstanding
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre:,romance, ,fluff, drama
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: series
Author: eunhaesherry
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own any of the characters..just the plot
warning: FLuff
Summary: Donghae gets angry with Eunhyuk for complimenting Yoona, saying that she is the prettiest girl.
http://eunhae-sherry.livejournal.com/65151.html Title: Of having and losing a miracle
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre:,romance, ,drama,angst
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: oneshot
Author: eunhaesherry
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own any of the characters..just the plot
warning: death and tiny religion issue
Summary: Donghae and Eunhyuk were given a miracle, a baby. There were overjoyed and happy. But, with the miracle, come responsibility, testing of their love together with happiness but also pain. When the Lee household faces tragedy, how would they cope and feels? Would it break them apart of make them closer? At the end of the day, a baby will always be a God miracle
a/n: THIS IS DEDICATED FOR MY LATE BABY BROTHER... i will always love you~
http://eunhae-sherry.livejournal.com/63954.html#cutid1 Title: Innocent Seduction (1/2)
Pairing: Hyukhae
Genre:,romance, ,drama,fluff
Rating: Nc17 but Pg13 for this chapter.
Chapter: series
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own any of the characters..just the plot
warning: pedo hyuk! Teen donghae! The plot for this fic is actuallymassu16 but I took the plot and change the storyline to my liking..~
Summary: Eunhyuk is a Yaoi Manga writer and while he is happily living in his own comfortable and luxurious life, he found a boy sleeping on his doorstep one day? What will happen when he took the boy in? What will happen when they boy is consciously invading his life? And is he a pedo for slowly losing himself into the boy INNOCENT SEDUCTION?
a/n: FOR massu16 for her birthday~