Reposting NLG & A new fic.

Oct 02, 2013 22:43

Title: Never Letting Go 20
Pairing: Haehyuk ,side Kyumin
Genre: PG-13
Summary: “No, I should be the one thanking you. I wasn’t able to say this before, but thank you for choosing to protect her.”

Warning: Genderswitch. GIRL HYUKJAE. GIRL SUNGMIN. The usual, typos and grammatical errors.
Previous Chapters HERE

Title: Married in Haste
Pairing: Haehyuk ,side Kyumin
Genre: PG-13
Summary: “Come on, Hyuk.. we’re old enough… let’s not ruin this for them.. let’s make a truce?”
Warning: The usual, typos and grammatical errors.

genre: romance, rating: pg-13, genre: drama, author: e

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