Title: Lovelessly Loved
xsilentserenityPairing: Haehyuk
Side Pairing(s): Hanchul, Yewook, Jaejoong/?, (More to appear)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama, slight angst
Warnings: sexual implications, non-explicit sexual situations
Disclaimer: Such a pity.
Chapters: ||
Prologue |
Chapter 1A |
Chapter 1B |
Chapter 2A |
Chapter 2B |
Chapter 3A |
Summary: A sinful night of drunken passion between playboy extremist, popular-guy, Lee Donghae and Ice Prince, top-of-his-class, never dating Lee Hyukjae at Loveless, a popular gay bar, transforms into a forced marriage for the two high school students. Their accidental, now secret, married relationship as teenagers in high school continues with Donghae never committing, Hyukjae never loving, coupled with the undying despise the two feel for each other.
Hyukjae shook his head dejectedly. "I was completely wasted.")