Title: Give You Up 1/2
Pairings: Hyukhae, ninja!Kyumin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own them. TT TT Just the fic.
Warnings: Um...age? Hyukjae (22) Donghae (18), mentions of abuse/rape, some violence
Summary: Hyukjae meets a tortured young man named Lee Donghae. Shortly after, his brother is kidnapped, and in exchange for Henry, he has to turn over Donghae to the kidnappers. But what if he...can't?
a/n: It's a little dark with less Eunhae than I would have liked, but it was an interesting idea in my opinion...dunno what you'll think but I hope it's okay... This part is split! Sorry!!
He was soaked through from the rain and was doing nothing to protect himself from it.