Oct 06, 2006 10:06

Evanescence is still releasing cds? Egads. This fad just won't die. Oh well. It will eventually, just like (c)rap.

On a much more important and intriguing note; Wierd Al Yankovichs' new CD, titled 'Straight out of Lynnwood' is fucking AWESOME. XD Weasel Stomping Day, White And Nerdy, and Don't Download This Song rocked my world..lol. Their videos are so very entertaining, too. XD I haven't enjoyed one of his cds this much since..shit..the 'fat album'(can't remember the actual name, been too long and my copy is long-gone). I mean, don't get me wrong; running with scissors, food, and the others were pretty swifty but, this one is SPECTACULAR. Haha. I love every song on it.

Well, I have monday off! BOOFUCKINGYA! No late shift next week for me! Well, except for friday..but eh. Friday is always busy so I never care. Monday is HORRIBLE though. >.< It's so freaking slow, I'm done every thing i need to do half way through the day and have to resort ot pestering the owner for things to do. ..and half the itme, he just scratches his head and says; "No, I think you've got every thing done, Jeremy."

Mm. Still haven't called Mel, probably should, but lately I don't feel I have the right to. *head scratch.* Oh well..

One of my newly acquaintaed friens is taking off t korea to teach for a year. :o I hope she enjoys it! Yarr. That'd be a really cool opportunity to have. *Nod.* Not something I'd personally be able to do but, still! Impressive.

So, wow. Huge fight last night, that culminated in Lori locking Rebecca out of the apartment. Yea, uhm, this is getting worse. I really can't toelrate this much longer. I don't have the money yet, but I need to get out of here ASAP. ..maybe I'll ask gram if I can stay with them for a week, or something.

A heads up, if I do I won't be online--at all. But I doubt I will..simply because Lona isn't any better..well she is when she doesn't have something to complain about--but that's rarer than rare.

Amanda(one of the new friends) is absolutely right; I need to just take off for my own sanity(but hell, I figured that out ages ago, I just never had the ability to becaus of..yea. stupid shit that should never have bothered/affected me i nthe first place). That reminds me; GR. I don't know what to get Corey for his brithday. :/ Ryan, want to just chip in with me and we'll pay for PSU for him? So he can just pick his copy up when it comes out? Probably the best idea. Ideal gift, as it not only gets him the game, but gets him a game he can play with both of us simultaneously. :o

I'm back to exercising regularly, and taking care of myself. That BS period where I wasn't was idiotic. I wasn't getting up early enough to do it, and I thought nothing of it. Well, the second I saw I gaiend five pounds back I flipped. Haha. So mad at myself, I was. Fixed now, though..for the most part. No more slacking, damn goddit!

*POnders.* I might, MIGHT, be bringing a date to Coreys' party; depends on her availability, willingness to make the jaunt to freddy from Moncton, and willingness to go home with me. Er. ..no that she's going to. >.> Yea, so, I'm not having any trouble finding interested women lately. Wtf? So wierd.

Off to exermacise I go.

Oh yea. I will be in the weekend of the 21st. Those of you that wish to make plans, SPEAK NOW OR FOR EVER HOLD YOUR PIECE. :P I have concrete plans with only one person at present, and they know who they are.
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