Aug 15, 2005 22:51
I spent most of today working in preparation for the festival. I'm eagerly looking forward to it -- even so much that thinking of performing doesn't make me as nervous as I was at the outset. ^^ No matter what, I'll have some stagefright... but I've practiced so much that I think nothing could stop me now. And there's the tea ceremony, as well, which won't be that hard. I've practiced the routine several times and taken notes from the book from the Hyuga library.
Tenten and I were taking a break from our duties and drinking some tea, when she started to talk to me about the... 'Neji and Temari wedding'. She stressed how happy she was for them but... ^^;; I could tell she was pretty upset.
It was strange... I never considered Neji-niisan to be one who wanted to get married; not now, in any case -- which is why I originally thought it was a ruse. But she explained to me that Neji-niisan said he was happy about it. Which, I have to say, made me all the more confused. ^^;; I don't quite understand why he's doing it... maybe diplomatic reasons? ^^; Whatever the case, I'll support him in what makes him happy... even if this seems a bit peculiar...*sweatdrops*
The most I could do is comfort Tenten though. I think it would be good if she opened up and told him what she felt about the situation.
Since Naruto-kun left Konoha, I haven't been able to watch him train in the morning as usual... and as a result, I have been slacking off slightly in my own training. But I don't think it could be helped, since practicing for the festival and now helping with the schedules and other duties keeps me a bit exhausted. But having Kiba-kun to help me out has been a great benefit. I've been worried too about Shino-kun because ... well, I 'm not quite sure what's going on with him... ^^;;;; The last time I saw him he was wandering in the park singing to himself.
... *sweatdrops* I just remembered that Kurenai-sensei placed me as team leader in her absence. Maybe we should have training sessions every day while she's gone...? If not for the body, at least for the mind.. Kiba-kun, Shino-kun, what do you say? ^^;;