(no subject)

Sep 09, 2002 03:01

Today turned out to be a decent day all things considered. I didn't get out of bed until 3, and just kinda loafed around on the internet. Then there was this stupid firedrill, and that's the part that sucked. I didn't really know at first that it was a drill, but not feeling any paticular threat I took my pretty little time. I took a shower, combed my hair, and got dressed all while the alarm was still going off. Then I figured I ought to head out the emergency exit route so I grabbed my key and left. As I went out some RAs were knocking door to door to make sure everyone was out. And there were just about to knock on my door when I came out. They looked a little miffed, but didn't say anything, and I was just like "pssh" and I headed out to the field. After 10 minutes the damn alarm was still going off, so I tried to go back to my room so I could get my wallet and a textbook to read, but they wouldn't let me go back. The whole thing seemed pretty juvenile. After about half an hour the damn thing shut up and I went back to my room, grabbed my wallet, and went to the Star Mart to get some groceries. Got back, ate a light meal at the cafeteria. Went back to my room and studied a bit but was having trouble concentrating with the thought of war hanging heavily on my sub-conscience. Then my roommate Corey said he was going to the beach with his friend. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 9 pm and thought he was crazy, but then I ended up going with him and it was a fine, relaxing time--swimming at night and all. On the way back we talked about the girls we loved and how they burned us. I came to understand his manwhorish straight to fucking attitude when it comes to girls--that he was just burned out on love anymore. And I could understand that because I feel like I could end up the same way if I get burned a few more times like I have been. I still have my romantic sensibilities, but I certainly have gotten a bit more cautious if not cynical about love. Damn, I should get to sleep.

hawaii, love, food, life, uh

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